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英語常用口語每天學 第137期:美麗的海天使

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Billy: Its skin is transparent. And you can see its heart.

padding-bottom: 100%;">英語常用口語每天學 第137期:美麗的海天使

Jennifer: That red pouch encloses all its organs. How convenient...

Billy: And its eyes are like two big s like he's wearing goggles.

Jennifer: I want to take one home!

Billy: You can't. They're not pets.

Jennifer: Well, at least I can buy all the sea angel souvenirs!

Billy: Then you'd better pray to the sea god to give you more money...

★ transparent (a.) 透明的

★ pouch (n.) 袋狀物,囊狀小袋

★ enclose (v.) 圍繞,包圍

★ organ (n.) 器官

★ lump (n.) 一團,腫塊

★ goggles (n.) 護目鏡,蛙鏡

★ souvenir (n.) 紀念品

比 利:它的皮膚是透明的。你可以看到它的心。


比 利:它的眼睛好像兩個肉球……看起來好像戴着蛙鏡。


比 利:不行。它們不是寵物。


比 利:那你最好祈禱海神多賞你點錢……

★ transparent (a.) 透明的

★ pouch (n.) 袋狀物,囊狀小袋

★ enclose (v.) 圍繞,包圍

★ organ (n.) 器官

★ lump (n.) 一團,腫塊

★ goggles (n.) 護目鏡,蛙鏡

★ souvenir (n.) 紀念品