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校園英語口語習慣用語 第57期:burn the midnight oil

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burn the midnight oil 熬夜工作

padding-bottom: 100%;">校園英語口語習慣用語 第57期:burn the midnight oil


習語從字面上理解是“燒夜油燈”,意即 “夜裏點燈照明”,引申爲“開夜車,熬夜工作”。


A:You look sleepy. Have you been burning the midnight oil recently?

A: 你看上去很困。最近是不是熬夜用功呢?

B: Yes, I've been preparing for my finals.


A: Well, you must have had adequate preparation.

A: 那你一定準備得很充分了?

B: I can't say!
