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留美老師帶你每日說英文 第733期:爲什麼我們會有眼屎呢?

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This combination of mucus, oil, skin cells and other debris in your eye serves as a protective shield and allows the eye to function properly. So let's get technical for a second: the eyes of mammals are covered by a multi-layer film that helps them do what they're supposed to do.

padding-bottom: 68.75%;">留美老師帶你每日說英文 第733期:爲什麼我們會有眼屎呢?


ination 結合(體)
combination (n.) 結合(體)
combine (v.) 結合

s 黏液
mucus (n.) 黏液

is 殘骸、瓦礫
debris (n.) 殘骸、瓦礫

ld 盾牌、保護者
shield (n.) 盾牌、保護者

al 哺乳動物
mammal (n.) 哺乳動物
reptile (n.) 爬蟲類