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留美老師帶你每日說英文 第599期:殺掉所有的蚊子?

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Mosquitoes have been around for a lot longer than people, millions of years, and have survived lots of predators and environmental changes. So that would be a lot of tough insects to kill, and a lot of j..com/tags-6742-0.html" target="_blank" >bug deaths that wouldn’t affect humans at all.

padding-bottom: 84.73%;">留美老師帶你每日說英文 第599期:殺掉所有的蚊子?


uito 蚊子
mosquito (n.) 蚊子

ive 存活
survive (v.) 存活
survivor (n.) 倖存者
survival (adj.) 生存

ator 狩獵者
predator (n.) 狩獵者
prey (n.) 獵物
pray (v.) 禱告

h 堅韌的
tough (adj.) 堅韌的

ct 昆蟲
insect (n.) 昆蟲
bug (n.) 蟲

ct 影響
affect (v.) 影響
effect (n.) 結果