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初級美語 Lesson 24:Activities in the Future 將來的活動

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Conversation A : In the Office
HOWARD: Excuse me, Martin.?
MARTIN: Good morning, Howard. Good morning, Waleed.?
HOWARD: Can we talk to you? ?
MARTIN: Sure. Come in.?
WALEED: We're going to watch baseball tonight. Can you go with us??MARTIN: Not tonight. I'm going to take the children to their grandparents.?HOWARD: Aren't they in Chicago??
MARTIN: My parents are in Chicago. My wife's parents are in Ocean City. We’re going to Ocean City.?
WALEED: Are the children going to stay in Ocean City? ?
MARTIN: Yes. They're going to stay for five days.?
HOWARD: That's nice.?
WALEED: Does your son like that??
MARTIN: Oh, yes. His friends are there.?
WALEED: My son doesn't like visiting his grandparents. They live in the country.
MARTIN: His friends are here.?
WALEED: That's right.?
HOWARD: Doesn't he like his family??
WALEED: Yes, he likes them. He likes his friends, too.?
HOWARD: You can't go with us tonight.?
WALEED: Can you go on Thursday.??
MARTIN: Sure.?
WALEED: OK. Let's go on Thursday??
MARTIN: Are you going to watch tonight??
HOWARD: Sure. And we're going to watch on Thursday.?
WALEED: See you later.?
MARTIN: Good-bye.?
CARA: Hello, Martin. May I come in??
MARTIN: Of course.?
CARA: Do you and your wife like swimming??
CARA: Do you like to watch swimming??
MARTIN: On television??
CARA: No. My daughter is going to swim in Baltimore on Saturday. Can you come to watch?
MARTIN: Is it a swim meet??
CAREA: Yes, it is. She's going to swim tonight, too.?
MARTIN: Sit down. Please. I'm going to phone my wife.?
CARA: Thanks.?
MARTIN: Hello, Eileen. What are we going to do on Saturday? Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore on Saturday. Cara, in the afternoon??
CARA: Yes, she's going to swim in the afternoon.?
MARTIN: She's going to swim in the afternoon. It's a swim meet. OK. Good-bye.?
MARTIN: We can come on Saturday.?
CARA: Can your daughter come??
MARTIN: No, she's visiting her grandparents in Ocean City. Can you come to our house after the meet??
CARA: No, thank you. We have to come home. She has a meet here on Sunday.?
CARA: Thank you.?
MARTIN: See you on Saturday.?
WALEED: Martin, Howard and I are going to eat. Can you come??
MARTIN: Yes. I'm going to finish this story later.?

初級美語 Lesson 24:Activities in the Future 將來的活動

會話 A 在辦公室?
馬 丁:早上好,霍華德。早上好,瓦利德。
馬 丁:當然可以,請進來。?
馬 丁:今晚不行,我要帶孩子們去他們外祖父家。?
馬 丁:我父母在芝加哥,我妻子的父母在大洋城,我們要去大洋城。?
馬 丁:是的,他們將呆五天。
馬 丁:噢,是的。他有朋友在那兒。?
馬 丁:他的朋友在這裏。?
馬 丁:當然能。?
馬 丁:你們今晚去看嗎??
馬 丁:再見。?
卡 拉:你好,馬丁。我可以進來嗎??
馬 丁:當然可以。?
卡 拉:你和你妻子喜歡游泳嗎??
馬 丁:喜歡。?
卡 拉:你們喜歡看游泳嗎??
馬 丁:在電視上嗎??
卡 拉:不是的,我女兒週六將在巴爾的摩游泳,你們能來觀看嗎??
馬 丁:是游泳比賽嗎??
卡 拉:是的,她今晚也參加游泳比賽。?
馬 丁:請坐,我給我妻子打個電話,問一下。?
卡 拉:謝謝。?
馬 丁:喂,艾琳,我們週六將做什麼?卡拉的女兒週六將在巴爾的摩游泳。
馬 丁:卡拉,在下午嗎?
卡 拉:對,她在下午參加游泳比賽。?
馬 丁:她在下午游泳,是場游泳比賽。好,再見。?
馬 丁:我們週六能來。?
卡 拉:你們的女兒能來嗎??
馬 丁:不能,她還在大洋城的外公家。你們比賽後能到我家嗎??
卡 拉:謝謝你,不能。我們得回家,她星期天在這還有一場比賽。?
馬 丁:好的。?
卡 拉:謝謝。?
馬 丁:週六再見。?
馬 丁:好的,我以後再完成這篇報導。?

Conversation B : In a Restaurant
HOWARD: What are you going to eat??
WALEED: I'm going to have a sandwich.?
HOWARD: Martin, what are you going to have??
MARTIN: I'm going to have a bowl of soup.?
HOWARD: What are going to drink??
WALEED: I'm going to have coffee.?
MARTIN: I'm going to have coffee, too.?
HOWARD: Let's sit here.?
WALEED: Are you going to play softball on Friday night.?
HOWARD: No, I'm going to play on Saturday morning. My son is going to Play on Friday night. What are you going to do on Friday night??
WALEED: I'm going to a movie.?
MARTIN: Do you like movies??
WALEED: Yes, I like movies.?
HOWARD: Did you go to a movie last night??
WALEED: Yes, I did.?
HOWARD: My son and I went on Saturday.?
WALEED: Did you like it??
HOWARD: He liked it. I didn't like it.?
MARTIN: Where is your family, Waleed??
WALEED: They're in Lebanon.?
MARTIN: What are they doing there??
WALEED: My wife's family lives there. Her mother and father live there.?MARTIN: Does she have brothers and sisters??
WALEED: She has two brothers. They live in the United States.?
HOWARD: Did your children go with her??
WALEED: Yes, they went, too. They're going to come home next month. What are you going to do on Saturday, Martin??
MARTIN: I'm going to a swim meet. Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore. My wife and I are going to watch. Do you like music, Waleed??
WALEED: Oh, yes. I like jazz.?
MARTIN: What are you going to do next Sunday??
WALEED: Nothing.?
MARTIN: Can you come to Baltimore? We're going to have jazz at the harbor.
WALEED: OK. In the afternoon??
WALEED: Thanks.?
MARTIN: Can you come, Howard??
HOWARD: No, I can't. We're going to visit family.?
WALEED: Where are you going??
HOWARD: We're going to visit my sister.?
WALEED: Did you go last week??
HOWARD: No, we didn't.?
MARTIN: Excuse me. I'm going to work.?
WALEED: See you later.?
LEE: Excuse me, Martin. May I come in??
MARTIN: Yes. Please. Sit down.?
LEE: Listen. I have a problem.?
MARTIN: Tell me.?
LEE: My wife is singing in Dallas this week. I'm going to Miami on Saturday. Can my son come to stay with your son Saturday and Sunday??
MARTIN: My son is visiting his grandparents. Does your son like swim meets?
LEE: He likes swimming.?
MARTIN: My wife and I are going to a swim meet on Saturday. Does he like jazz??
LEE: He plays jazz in high school.?
MARTIN: We're going to hear some jazz on Sunday.?
LEE: Where??
MARTIN: At the harbor. Waleed is going to come with us. Lee, your son can come with us.?
LEE: Does Waleed like children??
MARTIN: He has two children.?

Practice 2:用 be going to 結構回答將要發生的事情或活動。?
Examples: HOWARD: I'm going to play on Saturday.? MARTIN: Cara's daughter is going to swim in Baltimore. My wife and I are going to watch.?
WALEED: They're going to come home next month.?
MARTIN: I'm going to work.?

會話 B : 在飯店裏?
馬 丁:我要喝碗湯。?
馬 丁:我也喝咖啡。?
馬 丁:你喜歡電影??
馬 丁:你家人在哪兒,瓦利德??
馬 丁:他們在那兒在做什麼??
馬 丁:她有兄弟姐妹嗎??
馬 丁:我去看游泳比賽,卡拉的女兒將在巴爾的摩游泳,我和妻子去看。瓦利德,你喜歡音樂嗎??
馬 丁:你下星期天要幹什麼??
馬 丁:你能來巴爾的摩嗎?我們將去港口聽爵士音樂會。?
馬 丁:是的。?
馬 丁:霍華德,你能來嗎??
馬 丁:對不起,我要去工作了。?
李 :對不起,馬丁,我可以進來嗎??
馬 丁:可以,請進,請坐。?
李 :聽我說,我有個難題。?
馬 丁:說吧。?
李 :這周我妻子在達拉斯演唱,星期六我又去邁阿密。星期五和星期六能讓我兒子跟你兒子呆在一起嗎??
馬 丁:我兒子還在他外公家。你兒子喜歡游泳比賽嗎??
李 :他喜歡游泳。?
馬 丁:星期六我和妻子去看游泳比賽,他喜歡爵士樂嗎??
李 :他在中學裏演奏爵士樂。?
馬 丁:我們星期天去聽爵士樂。?
李 :在哪裏??
馬 丁:在港口,瓦利德將和我們一起去。李,你兒子可以和我們一起去。?李 :瓦利德喜歡孩子嗎??
馬 丁:他有兩個孩子呢。
New Words and Expressions 生詞和短語?

See you later. 再見!?
later adv. 晚些時候?
sandwich n. 三明治;夾心麪包?
soup n. 湯?
a bowl of soup 一碗湯?
softball n. 壘球?
go to a movie 去看電影?
harbor n. 港口?
problem n. (疑難)問題?

Proper Nouns 專有名詞
Ocean City 大洋城?
the United States 美國?
Lebanon 黎巴嫩?
Dallas 達拉斯?
Miami 邁阿密

Language Points 語言要點?

1. See you later. 再見。可簡略地說成 See you,也可在其後加時間狀語,例如:See you on Saturday, See you tomorrow. 以前我們學過的表達法有:good-bye, bye-bye, bye。類似的說法還有:?
So long.?I'll be seeing you.?Good night. (晚安)?
2. be going to 是一般將來時的一種常用結構,將來時另一種常用結構是“will/shall+動詞原形”。助動詞 shall 僅用於第一人稱,will 可用於各種人稱。例如:?
I will/shall be sixteen years old next year.?
Will you open the window??
在將來時的句子中,一般有明顯表示將來的時間狀語,如對話中的 tonight(今晚),on Thursday(週四),on Saturday(週六),in the afternoon(下午),on Friday night(週五晚上),on Saturday morning(週六早上),next month(下月),next Sunday(下週日)等等。?
3. the United States 美國。美國的全稱是 the United States of America,簡稱爲 America,the States,the US 或 the USA。中國的全稱是 the People's Republic of China(中華人民共和國),也可簡寫爲 P R China。?

Cultural Notes 文化註釋

有人說如果中國人是教育狂,那麼美國人就是運動狂。美國整天都有全國性的運動比賽(national tournaments),春天有籃球比賽,夏天有棒球賽,秋冬天有美式橄欖球賽,人們隨時可以親自到運動場(the sports arenas)和體育館(gymnasium)觀看比賽,或者通過電視、收音機、報紙得知各種比賽的消息。很多美國人是運動迷,最受歡迎的兩項運動是美式橄欖球(football)和棒球(baseball)。?