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alive 英 [əˈlaɪv] 美 [əˈlaɪv] 

padding-bottom: 48.59%;">alive是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

alive 基本解釋


形容詞活着的; 活潑的; 有生氣的; 敏感的


alive 相關詞組

1. alive with : 充滿着;

alive 相關例句


1. The argument was kept alive by the politicians.

2. Keep the principles of liberty alive.

3. Although old she is still very much alive.

4. The town was alive with rumors.

5. The injured man is unconscious but still alive.

alive 網絡解釋

1. 活着的:一個線程可能因爲不同的原因停止(cease)並進入就緒狀態ad的API文檔中的說明是該方法恢復被掛起的(suspended)線程.該方法首先調用該線程的無參的checkAccess() 方法,這可能在當前線程上拋出SecurityException 異常,如果該線程是活着的(alive)但是被掛起(suspend),

2. 活着:傑出的歷史學家杜蘭(Will Durant)曾經寫過數冊具決定性的世界歷史綜覽,對於十字架戰勝羅馬帝國的事實,他發表了他的意見:貝爾(Ted Baehr)和哈維博士(Bonnie Harvey)爲了貝爾所執導的電影<<活着>>(Alive),寫了一篇有關此電影的評論,

3. 活的:被佔據的單元稱爲活的(alive),未佔據的單元稱爲死的(dead). 哪一個單元是活的要根據其周圍活的鄰居單元(neighbor)的數目而一代代(generation)地發生變化,規則如下:這似乎是個解決的辦法:隨時縮少數組的規模.

4. alive什麼意思

4. 天劫餘生:好萊塢8大災難片 <<天劫餘生>>(alive) 年份:1993 最驚嚇場面:爲求生存,人吃人肉. 賣點:爲求生存,只有吃人裹腹,玻璃割人肉的畫面,實在使人毛骨悚然. 這部電影由真人真事改編,講述一架滿載烏拉圭球員的航機,

alive 詞典解釋

1. 活着的
If people or animals are alive, they are not dead.

e.g. She does not know if he is alive or dead...
e.g. They kept her alive on a life support machine.

2. 有活力的;有生氣的
If you say that someone seems alive, you mean that they seem to be very lively and to enjoy everything that they do.

e.g. Our relationship made me feel more alive...
e.g. I never expected to feel so alive in my life again.

3. 繼續存在的;在起作用的
If an activity, organization, or situation is alive, it continues to exist or function.

e.g. The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs...
e.g. Both communities have a tradition of keeping history alive.

4. 熱鬧的;活躍的
If a place is alive with something, there are a lot of people or things there and it seems busy or exciting.

e.g. The river was alive with birds...
e.g. The street was alive with the sounds of the soldiers.

5. 注意到的;意識到的;覺察到的
If you are alive to a situation or problem, you are aware of it and realize how important it is.

e.g. You must be alive to op-portunity!...
e.g. He was alive to what he was doing.

6. (使)恢復生機;(使)再度活躍
If people, places, or events come alive, they start to be lively again after a quiet period. If someone or something brings them alive, they cause them to come alive.

e.g. The doctor's voice had come alive and his small eyes shone.
e.g. songs of birds that bring the garden alive.

7. (使)變得生動;(使)變得有趣;(使)顯得逼真
If a story or description comes alive, it becomes interesting, lively, or realistic. If someone or something brings it alive, they make it seem more interesting, lively, or realistic.

e.g. She made history come alive with tales from her own memories...
e.g. From here on he brings the character confidently alive.

8. 將被生吞活剝;將被徹底打敗
If you say that someone will be eaten alive, you mean that they will be completely destroyed or defeated by someone who is much stronger.


e.g. He was certain Sid would be eaten alive by the hardened criminals in the jail.

9. 活蹦亂跳的;健壯的;活躍的
If you say that someone or something is alive and kicking, you are emphasizing not only that they continue to survive, but also that they are very active.

e.g. ies that the secret police may still be alive and kicking.

10. 健在的;安然無恙的
If you say that someone or something is alive and well, you are emphasizing that they continue to survive.

e.g. A man who went missing yesterday during a blizzard has been found alive and well.

alive 英英釋義


1. capable of erupting

e.g. a live volcano
the volcano is very much alive

Synonym: live

2. having life or vigor or spirit

e.g. an animated and expressive face
animated conversation
became very animated when he heard the good news

Synonym: animated