
首頁 > 英語詞彙 > 英語短語 > 關於雅思寫作高分詞組的短語都有哪些?


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padding-bottom: 65.31%;">關於雅思寫作高分詞組的短語都有哪些?


Get rid of... 拋棄......

On the contrary 相反

It is just a matter of... 它只不過是......(簡單的)事情

Depend on... 取決於......

Stay away from... 遠離......

Keep abreast of... 緊跟......

a huge waste of money ......是巨大的金錢浪費

At the tip of fingers 近在咫尺;在指尖

Brick-and-mortar 實體的(相對於虛擬的)

Time-consuming 耗時的

Be dependent on... 依賴於......

Prefer ... 更喜歡......不喜歡......

Find its way to... 走進......

Root for… 爲……歡呼

Show up 出現,露面

Commuting time 通勤時間

Not without 不是沒有......

Come by 獲得 (=obtain)

People with pessimistic bend of mind 有悲觀心態的人

Scenic spot 景點

Natural reserve 自然保護區

Cater to the needs of... 滿足......的需求

Seen in this light 從這個角度看來

a matter of personal preference 個人喜好問題

Expired food 過期食品

High calories food 高熱量食品

This line of thought 這條思路

Avail oneself of... 利用......

Make headline news 成爲頭條

More often than not 經常

Make (both) ends meet 量入爲出;收支相抵

Free from... (=without)沒有......;免於......

Get ahead 出人頭地

On top of that 除此之外

Maternity leave 產假

Be content with... 滿足於

Crave for... 渴望

Glue one’s eyes to... 緊盯着......

Pester for... 纏着要......

Be superior to... 比......好

check 控制......

Among others 等等

A host of 衆多的

Give way to 讓位於......

Make a detour 繞道而行

Give rise to 引發

Get accustomed to... 習慣於......

Set aside (特別地)留出......

At the most basic level 在最基本的層面

Dawn on 讓某人明白

Take granted 把......視爲想當然

Subject to... (使)遭受

Set about doing... 開始着手做......

Social ladder 社會階梯

Catch up with the Joneses 與鄰居攀比

Work extra hours 加班工作

Stay healthy 保持健康

On the basis of 基於......

on the part of… 就……而言

Not to mention... 更不用提......

Soar up 飆升

... 強加......在......身上

In vain 徒勞地

Abide by 遵守

Call for 要求

for my part 我認爲 (=in my view, in my opinion)

be apt to do... 傾向於做......