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世界上最幸福的事:吃到一起 才能愛在一起

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The other day, my boyfriend and I went to eat crayfish. I was gobbling the food, busy with biting off the crayfish's head, my hands dripping red oil from holding it, when he suddenly asked me, "What would have happened between us if I had taken you here when we first met?"


"Well, I think you might have fallen in love with me immediately, as we share the same eating habits," I joked.


Although we did not eat oily street food on our first date, I demonstrated a strong appetite. We dined on Yunnan cuisine and finished six dishes, barely leaving leftovers.


His ability to order food we both like impressed me. After that, we had several other meals before we become lovers.


padding-bottom: 99%;">世界上最幸福的事:吃到一起 才能愛在一起

On China's popular dating show If you're the one, the host Meng Fei once said that one of the things he looked for in a partner is whether they can eat together. A popular online post recently echoed Meng's sentiments. The writer said one of the happiest things in the world is eating and gaining weight together with your lover. This won recognition among many Net users.


I partly agree with this love doctrine. Considering how many meals we need to eat with our other half, if we share the same dining interests, about one-fifth of our waking hours together will be happy and satisfying.


If he likes spicy food and I can't eat spicy things, or if he likes meat and I'm a vegetarian, we will find that, aside from the other troubles lovers need to overcome, in eating alone we already have too many things to worry about.


Many people also use eating style as a reference for character traits when deciding if they can be with someone. This could have some scientific basis. Juliet Boghossian, a behavioral food expert, said different eating styles are linked to different traits. For instance, slow eaters tend to be more stubborn, while fast eaters lack balance when it comes to prioritizing.

有相當一部分人還將飲食習慣作爲性格的參考,以決定是否與其交往。這可能有一定的科學依據。行爲飲食專家Juliet Boghossian表示,不同的飲食習慣與不同的性格有關。比如,吃飯速度慢的人往往比較頑固,而吃飯速度快的人則在遇到優先選擇問題時應付不來。

I asked my friends whether eating habits could be a factor that influences their choice of partner. Many said they would compromise if they only have disagreements in taste.


"If we can't get along in other areas, such as table manners, which can reflect character traits and breeding, it would be hard for us to be together," one of them said.



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