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奧巴馬對非洲的說教 A gatecrasher at Obama’s African homecoming

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奧巴馬對非洲的說教 A gatecrasher at Obama’s African homecoming

With every one of President Barack Obama’s trips to Africa, he has seemed keen to make a historic statement. His debut, a visit to Cairo , was meant to start a new phase in US-Arab relations after the grave misunderstandings seen during the presidency of George W Bush. The visit to Ghana soon afterwards was no less significant — the nation became in 1957 the first sub-Saharan African country to gain its independence, and is the most stable democracy in west Africa. Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa followed in 2013.

每次訪問非洲時,美國總統巴拉克攠巴馬(Barack Obama)似乎都熱衷於發表一份歷史性的聲明。他初次訪問非洲去了開羅,當時的用意是開啓美國和阿拉伯關係的新篇章,以彌合喬治圠布什(George W Bush)總統任期內出現的嚴重誤解。不久之後他對加納的訪問意義也很重大。加納於1957年成爲第一個獨立的撒哈拉以南非洲國家,也是西非最穩定的民主國家。接着,奧巴馬又在2013年訪問了塞內加爾、坦桑尼亞和南非。

Mr Obama’s fourth visit to Africa, in July, was the first time a serving US president would visit either Kenya or Ethiopia. With Kenya, there was the added significance of a homecoming: his father was born in the country and died there. Indeed, in one of the president’s speeches there, he described himself as “the first Kenyan-American to be president of the United States”.


China has been paying attention; along with the US, it is a frontrunner in the race for economic and diplomatic influence on the continent. It overtook America as Africa’s largest trading partner in Mr Obama’s first year in office. That might have been on Hillary Clinton’s mind when, in Senegal as secretary of state in 2012, she said: “The days of having outsiders come and ex琀爀愀挀琀 the wealth of Africa for themselves, leaving nothing or very little behind, should be over in the 21st century”. Today it is Beijing being snarky, with state news agency Xinhua deriding Mr Obama for “playing the family card”.

中國一直在關注奧巴馬的訪問。和美國一樣,在對非洲大陸經濟和外交影響力的比賽中,中國也是一位領跑者。就在奧巴馬擔任美國總統的第一年,中國超越美國成爲非洲最大的貿易伙伴。2012年希拉裏克林頓(Hillary Clinton)以美國國務卿身份訪問塞內加爾時,在發表言論時可能對此意有所指。她說:“外來者前來爲自身利益剝削非洲財富,卻不留下任何東西或只留下極少東西,這樣的時代在21世紀應該結束了。”如今輪到北京說話刻薄,中國官方的新華社嘲笑奧巴馬在“打親情牌”。

Perhaps Chinese ire is a measure of the success of Mr Obama’s attempt to make up for the indifference of his first term. He has unveiled partnerships in infrastructure and trade, and a Mandela Washington Fellowship targeting young African leaders. Yet the upper hand remains with Beijing. The number of Chinese people in Africa is now estimated at more than 1m . Mr Obama’s final speech on the continent was delivered in the African Union’s imposing new Addis Ababa headquarters, a gift from the Chinese government.

中方的鬱悶也許說明了奧巴馬彌補第一任期內冷落非洲的企圖取得成功。奧巴馬宣佈了美國與非洲在基建和貿易上的合作項目,以及面向非洲青年領袖的曼德拉華盛頓獎學金(Mandela Washington Fellowship)項目。然而,北京在非洲依然處於優勢地位。目前在非洲的中國人估計已超過了100萬。奧巴馬在非洲大陸的最後一通演說,是在非洲聯盟(African Union)的新總部大樓發表的,而這棟位於亞的斯亞貝巴的氣勢宏偉的大樓是來自中國政府的禮物。

Preaching to Africa is one thing America has done better than any imperial overlord, and a US presidential trip would not have been complete without it. In Kenya, Mr Obama spoke against widespread homophobia. Many Africans perceive this as an attempt to im瀀漀猀攀 an alien culture. In Ethiopia, he was scathing in his assessment of African rulers’ penchant for tenure extension. (Unlike the homosexuality point, this was extremely well received.)


The pulpiteering had an air of hypocrisy. Mr Obama described the Ethiopian government, which took 100 per cent of the vote in May, as “democratically elected”. Yet Burundi’s July poll, in which the opposition took more than a quarter of the vote, was “not credible”.


Hanging over this Africa trip — as with Mr Obama’s previous ones — is the conundrum: “Why not Nigeria?” It is Africa’s most populous country, and its largest economy; the US is its biggest investor and until last year the leading importer of its crude oil.


Before now, Mr Obama’s apparent reluctance to visit might have been explained by strained relations between the two countries, with the US alleging that Nigeria’s military has been guilty of large-scale human rights abuses and that the central government has been too tolerant of corruption.


Yet days before Mr Obama travelled to Kenya he treated Muhammadu Buhari, the new president elected on an anti-graft platform, to a lavish reception in Washington. Mr Buhari was asked in an interview by Christiane Amanpour of CNN if he was “disappointed” that the US leader had yet again left out of his nation. “I wouldn’t say I was disappointed, but how I wished he’d change his mind and go to Nigeria,” said Mr Buhari, adding that he planned to “send a formal invitation”.

然而,就在奧巴馬赴肯尼亞訪問幾天前,他在華盛頓盛情款待了以反腐敗爲競選平臺當選的尼日利亞新總統穆罕默杜布哈里(Muhammadu Buhari)。在一次訪談中,美國有線新聞網(CNN)的克里斯蒂安·阿曼普爾(Christiane Amanpour)問布哈里,奧巴馬再次將他的國家排除在外,是不是令他“失望”?布哈里回答說:“我不會說我很失望,但我確實非常希望他改變主意,去一下尼日利亞。”他還補充說,他打算“發出正式邀請”。

We may yet see one final African presidential trip in 2016.



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