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Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia’s influential former premier, said on Monday he is quitting the ruling party in protest at alleged “corruption” under the leadership of Najib Razak.

馬來西亞頗有影響力的前總理馬哈蒂爾•穆罕默德(Mahathir Mohamad)週一表示,他將退出執政黨,以抗議現任總理納吉布•拉扎克(Najib Razak)領導下涉嫌存在的“腐敗行爲”。

Mr Mahathir’s decision after months of bitter public campaigning against his successor is a symptom of the mounting pressure on Mr Najib, who has been embroiled in scandal over payments of almost $700m to his personal bank account.


Mr Najib’s supporters regard the development as evidence of the premier’s strength in the United Malays National Organisation. Both the party and government have made strenuous efforts to contain the affair in recent days.

納吉布的支持者將這一事態視作納吉布在馬來民族統一機構(United Malays National Organisation,簡稱“巫統”)內強大影響力的證明。馬來西亞執政黨和政府近來作出了不懈的努力,來遏制這起醜聞發酵。

Mr Mahathir, who led Malaysia for 22 years, has become the arch critic of his successor, who denies allegations of corruption linked to the 1MDB state investment fund.


Mr Mahathir said he was ashamed to be associated with Umno, which has dominated national politics for decades. He would now take his fight against Mr Najib outside the party, seeking to rally the prime minister’s opponents under a single banner.


“I feel embarrassed that I am associated with a party that is seen as supporting corruption,” he said. “It had caused me to feel ashamed.”


Critics of Mr Mahathir say his own period of rule was notable for political patronage and cronyism.
