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Lady Gaga自稱吸毒成癮 偶爾抽大麻

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小天后Lady Gaga在昨天所舉行的格萊美上旗開得勝,斬獲3個獎項,這位女歌手對於音樂和時尚從來都是大膽而又敢爲人先,而關於自己的過去,她也是毫無保留。上週天,Lady Gaga接受了CBS電視臺新聞雜誌類節目《60分鐘》的專訪,這個事業如日中天的女星大方地向記者Anderson Cooper坦承,自己曾經吸食過可卡因,目前還是會時不時的“抽大麻”。

padding-bottom: 56.25%;">Lady Gaga自稱吸毒成癮 偶爾抽大麻

“我會在創作音樂的時候抽一些大麻”,Lady Gaga說到,“我並不會對你們節目美化這個事實,你知道,我是個那種時刻保持清醒頭腦的人,在寫音樂時,我會喝很多的威士忌還會吸大麻。”不過,這位女歌手也表示會盡量剋制自己的這個習慣,“我不會氾濫成性,因爲這對我的嗓子不好。”24歲的Gaga雖然對於吸毒一事對於歌迷一直抱着誠實的態度,但她卻不鼓勵大家這麼做,她說:“我不會鼓勵孩子們吸毒嗑藥,其他藝人對此並不誠實,這是不對的,我不是個騙子,我希望與歌迷們建立互信,他們知道我是怎樣的一個人。”

Lady Gaga isn't shy when it comes to fashion, music or admitting drug use. Sunday, during an interview with Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes, the pop diva confessed to formerly using cocaine and admitted that she still smokes marijuana.

"I smoke a lot of pot when I write music," she told Cooper. "I'm not gonna, like, sugar coat it for 60 Minutes that, you know, I'm some, like, sober human being, 'cause I'm not. I drink a lot of whiskey and I smoke weed when I write."

But, she keeps her habit under control. "I don’t do it a lot because it's not good for my voice."

Gaga, 24, made it clear she wasn't advocating drug use, but simply maintaining a policy of honesty with her fans. "I don't want to encourage kids to do drugs," she said. "What artists do wrong is they lie. And I don't lie. I'm not a liar. I built good will with my fans. They know who I am. And I'm just like them in so many ways."