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Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面)

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padding-bottom: 98.15%;">Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面)

Angel hair pasta is Capellini~ Very, very thin spaghetti~

Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第2張

Capellini ([kapelˈliːni], literally "thin hair") is a very thin variety of Italian pasta. Like spaghetti, it is rod-shaped, in the form of long strands, and thinner than vermicelli(細面,一般短於5cm).

Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第3張

Chefs know—but many home cooks don’t realize—that there’s a reason certain sauces don’t work with certain pastas. Fragile pastas like angel hair can’t be weighted down by heavy ragùs. By the same token, robust penne and shells need more than a dressing of olive oil and garlic.

Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第4張

Fresh Tomato, Basil, and Garlic Sauce over Angel Hair Pasta

Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第5張

1#最細~ Angel Hair, Capellini ("Fine Hairs") 天使面,細長如髮絲,意大利人稱“天使的髮絲”~



Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第6張

Angel Hair Capellini Pasta Rolls

Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第7張

Angel Hair Pasta with Fresh Tomatoes

Angel hair pasta(意大利天使面) 第8張

Angel Hair Spaghetti with Tomato and Chicken