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世界之旅:Easter Island(復活節島)

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Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), making it one of the most isolated places on Earth. A triangle of volcanic rock in the South Pacific - it is best known for the giant stone monoliths, known as Moai, that dot the coastline. The early settlers called the island "Te Pito O Te Henua" (Navel of The World). Admiral Roggeveen, who came upon the island on Easter Day in 1722, named it Easter Island. Today, the land, people and language are all referred to locally as Rapa Nui.


世界之旅:Easter Island(復活節島)

玻里尼西亞文:Rapa Nui(大地方之意,Rapa = Place),Te-Pito-o-te-Henua(世界之肚臍或中心之意)。
復活島, 位於南緯27°08°37°,西經109°26°10°,東距智利3500公里,西距Pitcairn島1750公里。面積166平方公里,人口2000人。行政中心爲Hanga Roa,1935年成爲國家公園,屬於智利的法爾巴拉索(Valparaisa)省。聯合國審定爲World Heritage Site。石像稱“Moai”,有600座,墳場平臺稱“Ahu”,高3~6公尺,最高者達11公尺,重50公噸,帽子重10公噸,多成羣矗立,最多者達15座,爲西元1000~1600年完成。土著稱此島爲「鳥人國(Land of the Bird Men)」,而石像如白種人面孔,島上無水源、無樹,用黑曜石、火山玻璃和凝灰岩雕刻而成的石像,是否與外星人(E.T.,ExtraTerrestrial)有關?

世界之旅:Easter Island(復活節島) 第2張

There has been much controversy and confusion concerning the origins of the Easter Islanders. Thor Heyerdahl proposed that the people who built the statues were of Peruvian descent, due to a similarity between Rapa Nui and Incan stonework. Some have suggested that Easter Island is the remnant of a lost continent, or the result of an extra-terrestrial influence . Archaeological evidence, however, indicates discovery of the island by Polynesians at about 400 AD - led, according to legend, by Hotu Matua. Upon their arrival, an impressive and enigmatic culture began to develop. In addition to the statues, the islanders possessed the Rongorongo script; the only written language in Oceania. The island is also home to many petroglyphs (rock carvings), as well as traditional wood carvings, tapa (barkcloth) crafts, tattooing, string figures, dance and music.


世界之旅:Easter Island(復活節島) 第3張


世界之旅:Easter Island(復活節島) 第4張

Easter Island today, remains one of the most unique places you will ever encounter; an open air museum showcasing a fascinating, but unfortunately lost culture. The Rapanui are among the friendliest people you will ever meet, and the landscape is truly amazing - with its volcanic craters, lava formations, beaches, brilliant blue water, and archaeological sites .


世界之旅:Easter Island(復活節島) 第5張