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Dear Dad(Mum),

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I’m worried about your health all the time. I’d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn’t far from home, is it? Why not walk to the office? You’d better take exercise at least once a week, such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice, too. What’s more, it’s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.

Dad, please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!

Your loving son (daughter)

Tom (Mary)


假設你正在參加全省中學生演講比賽,請你針對有些父母經常翻開孩子的日記或書包這一現象,寫一篇演講稿,陳述你的觀點。 內容包括:1.認爲同學們不必爲此煩惱 2.希望能夠體諒父母的苦衷 3.建議與父母進行交流溝通

範文: Good morning , ladies and gentlemen ,

Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not comfortable about it , but there’s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble . They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we’d like to trust them you don’t think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it .

Thank you!


校英語社團在舉辦徵文比賽,請你根據以下提示內容,寫一篇題爲“The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most”的英語文章。內容要點如下:

1. 對我影響最大的人是我的媽媽,她四十幾歲;

2. 她總是耐心傾聽我的問題,並建議我如何解決它們;

3. 作爲一名醫生,她常說再怎麼仔細也不爲過。她總是加班,把她的大部分時


4. 所以,我認爲她不僅是位好媽媽,也是名好醫生。

5. 我希望 ……

要求:1. 內容須包含所有要點,語句通順,意思連貫;

2. 詞數90個左右;

3. 第5點的內容需展開合理想象,用2-3句話補充完整。

The Person Who Has Influenced Me Most

My mother is the person who has influenced me most.

She is in her forties. She always listens to my problems patiently. And she advises me how to solve them. As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too careful. She often works extra hours. She has devoted most of her time to her work. So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good doctor.

I hope I can be a person like her. I also hope she will pay more attention to her own health. She’d better have more time to relax herself.


Early rising

Early rising is a good habit for everyone. It is good for us in many ways。

Firstly, it helps to keep us healthy. We can breathe the fresh air in the morning. It's fun for us to take a walk along the street。

Secondly, early rising helps us with our studies. W hen we get up very early in the morning, everything around us is quiet. In the morning we learn more quickly and memorize what we learn easily。

Thirdly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our hands and faces and eat breakfast properly。


Holidays in China

In our country e are a lot of holidays such as Spring festival , Children's day and May day. All the people in China like these holidays very much.

Spring festival is a popular holiday in china. It is in January or February. People eat a lot of delicious food and go shopping. They usually spend time with their family and favourite holiday is Children's day. It is on the first of June. Children usually have parties at school, go to the park and go to the cinema. I didn't go to the park and go to the cinema last year. I had parties at school with my family. We were very happy.

My father and grandpa's favourite holiday is May day. It is on the first of May. People usually have a long holiday. They meet friends and relatives. They go to parks and beaches. But my father and grandpa planted trees last May day. They were very tired but happy!

We all like these holidays. On the days, we had a good time.


there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.







