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8月25號考的託福 原始分28+26+19+28 當天就申請複議口語 今天覆議成功19到23 三週時間

從準備到考試一共有40天時間 不過之前剛考過GMAT 有一定基礎


複習資料 TPO30套 鎮魂單詞






聽力:我聽力非常不穩定,考試時候考26絕對是人品大爆發。 複習前10天我每天做老託福PartC 四篇聽寫 之後開始一天一套TPO 不斷的聽聽不懂的部分

每次tpo模擬我大概有1/3的題是憑印象蒙的 ,考試也是,TPO模擬分數浮動在17-27分之間。。 完全靠蒙的人品 一直到最後也沒提高


十天之後我發現聽力差的太遠,每天聽力要花非常長的時間,所以口語就沒再繼續,但是每天去吃飯路上會用亦鷗網手機客户端看看題目 然後説一路


果然都中了,所以自我感覺説的還行 ,後面幾題我考前三天練了三套TPO的題,看了網上的經驗貼,就是説話的大概順序,覺得task4和6很難

我6到最後都沒説完,得了3fair 19分 ,然後自我感覺前兩題應該不至於,因為準備過,於是就複議了。複議之後還是3fair 但總分到23了

我當時這麼考慮的 因為總分101 18分是3fair的下限 ,不可能比18低,複議就算給我改低也不至於fair變limited ,應該也不會下100 ,於是就放心的複議了,

結果運氣這麼好,我覺得人品都被託福敗光了。。 所以GMAT二戰還沒一戰高。。。

作文:作文考前寫了一篇綜合一篇獨立 再沒也有練過,包括考GMAT 我也是隻練過5篇 熟悉題型,沒有專門改過,我的四六級作文都是及格線水平,

全部簡單句,連詞我也就會那簡單的幾種。 這裏我給沒時間複習的同學提供一個非常有用的經驗:

水平差一些的話 考試的時候一定要瘋狂打字,這是我在GMAT考前看到別人的經驗貼,於是我GMAT就瘋狂的打字(當然邏輯得清楚)得了5.5/6


綜合寫作寫了400+ , 獨立寫作寫了700。



我的獨立寫作題目好像是 應不應該儘量經常跟家人一起用餐。 我沒有寫提綱上來就開始瘋狂打字

寫到了自己去上大學父母有多想自己 寫到計算還能跟父母見面的天數 寫到上班多忙沒時間見家人 寫到多悔恨以前放假回家老不在家吃飯 就寫了那麼多


但最後分數證明,多寫字還是有用的, 尤其是像我這樣造句水平低沒時間練的同學。


郝新宇老師的Sample response:

One advice is that my friend should summarize the experience. He should carefully analyze why he failed this interview; he is supposed to consider whether his performance is good enough, whether his background is suable enough for his job. After analyzing these factors, he will perform better in the following interviews.

The other advice is I will advise my friend to find a job in a different field. Maybe his ability and skills are not competent for this job, but his ability and skills might be qualified for certain jobs in other fields. To try to find a job well matching his condition and skills, he will be more likely to succeed.



Some people prefer to praise the good things children have done; some people prefer to punish the bad things kids have done, which choice do you think is more appropriate and why? Give your explanations in your response.


Sample response:

In my view, I think compliment is the best choice.

Compliment will make children feel motivated and they might be more likely to repeat the good things they have done. After listening the praise from parents, seeing the smiles from teachers, getting the recognition from others, children will feel a sense of achievement and happiness, they will know their deeds are beneficial to others and next time they will also do good things to others, such as picking up the rubbish on the road or respecting the elderly and so on. However, if always getting punishment or criticism from others, children might become timid and diffident, which is harmful to their growth.


Compliment 稱讚(praise同義詞)

recognition 認可

feel a sense of ... 感到,後接n.

beneficial 有益的

criticism 批評

timid 膽小的;羞怯的

diffident 缺乏自信的;



When studying or working, people, especially youngsters, constantly need to rent a room with others, from your experience, which quality do you think is the most important when choosing a roommate?





Sample response:

In my view, when choosing a roommate, I attach great importance to cleanness, because I like to be clean and a clean environment makes me feel relaxed and cozy. If my roommateis lazy and careless about cleanness, then in my room there may be grease on the desk, rubbish and hairs on the ground, smelly smells in the room and so on, which will be uncomfortable for me. However, if my roommate pays much attention to cleanness, he and me may clean the room once a day, do chores in time, then the room will be very tidy and comfortable to live in. That’s my choice. Thanks.


attach great importance to 認為……有重要意義

relaxed 放鬆的

cozy 舒適的

grease 油漬

smelly 有臭味的,發臭的

pay attention to 注意

do chores 做家務

tidy 整潔的