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"Real" Batman


The story of Batman is one that's easy to identify with. Any one of us who is angered by crime and the strong preying on the weak would love to do like good ol' Bruce, put on a costume and clean up the streets. Oddly enough, in the town of Jackson, Michigan, one guy did exactly that. While his identity has never been revealed (like any good superhero, I suppose) "Captain Jackson" one day got fed up with street crime in his neighborhood, and decided to don a cape and cowl and patrol the streets to help out local law enforcement. While it seems a little crazy, the crime rate has dropped sharply since Captain Jackson took to the streets. He works closely with local law enforcement, and never confronts criminals directly, opting instead to report anything suspicious to the proper authorities, as well as fighting crime via a number of community service projects and awareness programs. Fight the good fight, Captain Jackson!



e the Heck is Gotham?


關於蝙蝠俠不為人知的十大趣聞(下) 第2張

Originally, Batman took place is New York city, like many comic books of the time. Later, the writers decided to have it take place in a fictional city with a fictional history, so they could give the comic its own world. A writer opened a New York phone book randomly, saw "Gotham Jewlers" and so the name was born. The location of Gotham city has always been a bit hazy, sometimes it was depicted on the East Coast, and a few times it was located in the Midwest, near Superman's hometown of Metropolis. However, popular canon now states that Gotham is located on the East Coast, specifically in the state of New Jersey. This has never been specifically stated in the comic, but in a few cases readers have spotted "Gotham City, New Jersey" on license plates, and once on a character's driver's licence.

起初,跟同時代的漫畫書一樣,蝙蝠俠的故事背景也設立在紐約市。不過到了後期,作者改變了這一設定,把故事設定在一個虛構的城市裏,以便能夠便於後續情節的展開。一天,漫畫作者偶然翻閲一本有關手機的雜誌,看到了"高譚珠寶",於是便把蝙蝠俠的故鄉命名為高譚市(Gotham city)。關於高譚市的具體位置,一直存在爭議,一種説法認為它位於東海岸,而另一種觀點認為它坐落在中西部,靠近超人的故鄉大都會(Metropolis)。不過,現在主流觀點普遍認為高譚市位於東海岸,更具體點説,它就位於新澤西州。雖然漫畫中從未明確提及,但細心的讀者曾注意到,漫畫中車輛的牌照上曾出兩次出現"新澤西州,高譚市"的字眼。

Drew this!?


關於蝙蝠俠不為人知的十大趣聞(下) 第3張

In Tim Burton's 1989 film "Batman" there is a scene where a savvy Gotham City reporter is being ribbed by his co-workers about his obsession with Batman, thought by most to be an urban legend. At one point he's handed a sketch of a silly-looking anthropomorphic bat in a tuxedo, with the words "Have you seen this man?", much to the reporter's chagrin. Next time you watch the movie, pause for a second and check the signature, this sketch was drawn by none other than Batman creator Bob Kane. I'm sure that one would fetch a bit on E-bay.

在蒂姆·波頓1990年執導的電影《蝙蝠俠》中,有一位高譚市記者因過於迷戀蝙蝠俠而被同事嘲笑,因為在大多市民看來,蝙蝠俠只是流傳於街頭的一個傳説罷了。一天,這個記者收到一副素描,畫着一個穿燕尾服的人形蝙蝠,醜極了,畫上還寫着一行字:"你見過這個人麼?",這令記者深感懊惱。下次看電影再看到這一幕時,記者按下暫停鍵,仔細看看畫上的署名,沒錯,這幅素描正是蝙蝠俠的創作者鮑勃·凱恩(Bob Kane)!如果有誰能找到這幅畫的原版並擺在淘寶上出售的話,那麼他在接下來的數十年之中,都不必為了買iphone而賣腎了。

Life in Tights


關於蝙蝠俠不為人知的十大趣聞(下) 第4張

In 1991, Batman co-star Burt Ward, who played Robin alongside Adam West's Batman, wrote a smutty tell-all book called "Burt Ward: My life in tights." The book has been universally panned as poorly written, poorly published and full of outrageous lies. Burt Ward depicts himself as a genius super-athlete and an infamous lady's man, and recounts endless sexual escapades of himself and Adam West. He claims there were always women on the set of the show, ready to rip off their clothing and do the deed with the dynamic duo. He depicts himself as a world-class lover and Adam West as totally unable to satisfy a woman in numerous near-pornographic passages.

1991年,曾在亞當·威斯特執導的電影《蝙蝠俠》中飾演過羅賓一角的波特·瓦德(Burt Ward),寫了一本關於自己私生活的書,內容頗為無下限,書名是《波特·瓦德:我的緊身衣生活》(Burt Ward: My life in tights)。這本書一直以來都受到大眾的嚴厲批評,説它文筆爛得出奇,排版過於寫意,整書的所有情節用兩個字便可以總結——"扯淡"。在書中,波特瓦德濃墨重筆地鼓吹着自己健碩的身軀,描繪了他與亞當維斯特兩人與無數女人纏綿的豔遇,甚至包括他與一個蕩婦之間長期的不正當關係。在他的筆下,片場永遠充斥着各式各樣的女人,在他們慾火難耐時提供必要的消遣。他自己也順理成章地被刻畫為世界頂級的嘿咻高手,而亞當維斯特,卻只是個即便豔婦赤裸躺在懷中也無法雄起的"棉花糖"。

Adam West later revealed he read the book and took no offense, believing that no one could possibly believe half of it, saying that "Burt probably just needed the money". Later Burt Ward admitted he was goaded by the publishers to make the book "More Interesting" and ‘fessed up to fabricating most of it. Shame on you, Boy Wonder.


Longest-running Batman


關於蝙蝠俠不為人知的十大趣聞(下) 第5張

Over the years man big names in Hollywood have played Batman, but who's played him the longest? That title goes to Kevin Conroy, who voiced the animated batman in Seven cartoon series, six video games and five animated movies – in total spanning 12 years. Many have named him as "The Voice of Batman" without question, and he brought some originality to the role with his unique take on the character. While in the comic it's said Batman disguises everything about him when he dons the cape and cowl, before Conroy's portrayal most people played Batman and Bruce Wayne as very similar. Conroy had the idea of noticeably altering the tone of his voice when he goes from crime fighter to millionaire playboy.

這麼多年來,有很多好萊塢名人都曾出演過蝙蝠俠,但誰扮演的時間最久呢?答案顯而易見,那就是凱文·康瑞(Kevin Conroy),他曾在7部卡通電視劇,6款電子遊戲和5部動畫電影中扮演過蝙蝠俠,累計長達12年之久。他無疑是人們心目中的"蝙蝠之聲"(The Voice of Batman),憑藉着對蝙蝠俠多年的理解,他給配音這一角色注入了很多創新的元素。在漫畫中,每當蝙蝠俠穿上披風和斗篷,他都竭力掩飾真實的自己,在康瑞之前,歷任蝙蝠俠扮演者也都在刻意地迎合蝙蝠俠"高冷"的特點。然而,康瑞卻另闢蹊徑,用不同的嗓音來演繹蝙蝠俠從打擊犯罪的勇士到身價百萬的花花公子之間的轉變,讓這個角色不僅是馳騁於暗夜之中的騎士,更是一個活生生的布魯斯·韋恩。

翻譯:毛志遙 編輯:陳豔衝 來源:前十網