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When Steve Jobs resigned from Apple in August, 7,000 miles away in Hong Kong, graphic design student Jonathan Mak Long, "shocked" by the CEO's departure, did what he knew best: He created a design to honor the Apple co-founder.


The 19-year-old posted the image, the Apple logo with the bite changed to a profile of Jobs, to his Tumblr blog. Known as Jonathan Mak, he initially received about 80 notes on the image. Then word came this past Wednesday that Jobs had died, after a long battle with cancer. Mak reposted the homage, which this time caught fire on the Web, attracting an almost immediate response of 10,000 likes and reblogs on his Tumblr site and surging to 180,000 -- in one day. Comments included "awesome invention like Steve Jobs." One thought it should be the "new Apple logo." Another wanted to "use it as a tattoo."

這位19歲的設計師將蘋果標誌被咬的缺口換成了喬布斯的側影,並將這一作品發在自己的社交網站博客上。網上名叫喬納森-麥的他在網上最初收到了約80人對此圖片的留言。經過和癌症的漫長抗爭,喬布斯於(上)週三辭世。之後, 麥龍又把這幅標識重新貼到了網上,這一次該圖即刻吸引了網友的廣泛關注,片刻便被收藏或轉發1萬次,全天收藏轉發達18萬次。 有評論説”這(圖)和喬布斯一樣富於創造力”。 有人認為這應該成為蘋果的新標誌,另有人則希望將其做紋身。


Speaking in fluent English, the Polytechnic University School of Design student told Yahoo! in an interview that the image was a tribute to Jobs's contributions to the world: "I wanted to commemorate him. He's such an integral part of Apple. I thought it would be fitting to include him in the Apple logo." Long added, "With Jobs gone, Apple is literally missing a piece."

這位就讀於香港理工大學設計學院的學生在接受雅虎的採訪時説着一口流利的英文, 他説這個圖片是為了對喬布斯向全世界做出的貢獻而致敬。 ”喬布斯是蘋果公司不可或缺的人物,我想要紀念他。我認為蘋果的標誌裏應該包含着他。” 龍補充説:”隨着喬布斯的辭世,蘋果公司的的確確是缺失了無法彌補的一塊。”

The artist was inspired by the uncompromising personality of the creative genius. He said of Jobs: "He had this vision that he was not afraid to commit to. That's how he broke new ground. His commitment and belief in himself is what inspire me."


The cyber tribute that became a hit, and along with attracting media attention, the logo found itself as the preferred profile pic on Ashton Kutcher's Twitter account and on merchandise featured on eBay. While the design prodigy has received several job offers, but he hasn't acted on them; "I'm still a student," he said. The artist has a portfolio of minimalist design, but don't call him an Apple fanboy. "I just got my first MacBook Pro a year ago," he admitted -- and he still doesn't own an iPhone.

這張獻禮性質的標識已然在網絡上引起了轟動,除了媒體對其高度關注以外,在阿什頓-庫奇Twitter賬户和易趣購物網上,它成了個人資料中的頭像首選圖案。與此同時,這位年輕的設計天才還收到了多份工作邀請,但都被他婉拒。”我還是個學生,”他説。雖然他有這樣極簡風格的代表作品,但不要認為他是個”果粉”。”一年前我才給自己買了第一台MacBook Pro電腦”,麥龍坦言。至今他還沒有一台iPhone手機。

Asked whether he'd gotten any response from Apple, Mak said he had emailed CEO Tim Cook but so far hadn't heard back.
