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Finding a four-leaf clover, carrying a rabbit's foot, and crossing your fingers are considered symbols of good luck by many. Athletes famously engage in superstitious rituals—basketball legend Michael Jordan reportedly wore the same pair of shorts under his NBA uniform for every game, and tennis star Serena Williams ties her shoelaces the same way before every match and always bounces the tennis ball five times before her first serve. Good luck superstitions exist in cultures all over the world. Here are 13 of them.



In Denmark, people save their broken dishes throughout the year in anticipation of throwing them on New Year’s Eve. Danes chuck the broken plates at their friends' and family’s houses as a way to wish the recipient good luck in the year to come. Some Danish children opt to leave a pile of broken dishes on the doorsteps of their friends and neighbors, in a less aggressive manner of wishing prosperity.
在丹麥,人們在新年夜把存了一年的碎盤子扔向朋友和家人的房子,祝他們新年好運來。一些丹麥小孩會把一堆碎盤子放在朋友和鄰居家門口,這樣不會那麼暴力。2. SWEEP DIRT AWAY FROM THE FRONT DOOR // CHINA

In China, it's believed that good fortune enters your life through your front door. Just before the New Year, Chinese people follow a tradition of thoroughly cleaning their homes to bid farewell to the previous year, but to avoid sweeping all that good luck out, the home is swept inward and collected in a pile to be carried out the back door, never through the front. In fact, no cleaning is performed at all during the first two days of the New Year so that no good luck can be swept away.
中國人認為好運是從你家前門進來的。在新年之前,他們會徹底打掃衞生,告別過去的一年。為了避免把好運掃走,他們從外往內掃,把塵土掃成一堆再從後門清理出去,絕不走前門。而且,在新年的頭兩天不能打掃衞生,因為好運會被趕走。3. EAT A DOZEN GRAPES AND WEAR RED UNDERWEAR TO RING IN THE NEW YEAR // SPAIN

When midnight strikes to usher in a New Year, Spaniards eat 12 green grapes for 12 months of good luck. They eat one grape at each bell toll, chewing and swallowing quickly, and they wear red underwear while doing so. The superstition involving grapes dates back to a century ago when there was a grape surplus, and the red underwear originated in the Middle Ages, when Spaniards couldn’t outwardly wear red clothing because it was considered to be a devilish color.
當新年鐘聲敲響,西班牙人會吃12顆綠葡萄代表12個月的好運。每敲響一下吃一顆,快速咀嚼吞下,同時還要穿着紅內褲。這個關於葡萄的迷信要追溯到一個世紀前的葡萄貿易順差,紅內褲則來源於中世紀,那時不能把紅色衣服穿在外面因為紅色代表邪惡。4. BIRD DROPPINGS ARE A SIGN OF GREAT THINGS TO COME // RUSSIA

Rather than view a bird defecating on them as a disgusting surprise, Russians welcome it as a sign of good luck and fortune. To Russians, bird droppings on you, your home, or your car signifies that money will be coming your way. If multiple birds defecate on you, you’ll supposedly get more money.
大多數人認為被鳥屎砸到是一件噁心的事情,但俄羅斯人卻認為這是好兆頭。如果鳥屎落在你身上、你家或者車上,預示着有大錢要來。如果你身上落了好幾坨鳥屎,意味着錢更多。5. SPILL WATER BEHIND SOMEONE // SERBIA

According to Serbian folk stories, spilling water behind someone is a great way to give them good luck. Serbians spill water behind their friends and family members who are preparing to take a test, face a job interview, or go on a trip.
根據塞爾維亞民間故事,往人背後澆水是給他們好運。考試、求職面試或者旅行之前,塞爾維亞人會在朋友和家人背後澆水。6. HANG UPSIDE-DOWN TO KISS A ROCK // IRELAND

The legendary Blarney Stone at Ireland’s Blarney Castle attracts visitors who kiss the stone to get the gifts of good luck and eloquence. Visitors who want its good luck must walk to the top of the castle, lean backwards, and hold on to a railing so their lips can reach the stone. Kissing the inconveniently located stone is a risky enough process that castle employees help visitors by holding on to their bodies as they lean back.
位於愛爾蘭布拉尼城堡的巧言石充滿傳奇色彩。無數遊客們前來親吻它以祈求好運和口才。他們要走到城堡頂部,握住把手同時身體向後傾,然後親吻石頭。石頭的位置不太好夠到,而且這麼做風險比較大,所以城堡的工作人員會在遊客後傾的時候扶住他們的身體。13. PLANT A TREE TO CELEBRATE YOUR WEDDING // THE NETHERLANDS AND SWITZERLAND

In the Netherlands and Switzerland, some newlyweds plant a pine tree outside their home to bring good luck and fertility to the marriage. Other couples incorporate trees into their actual wedding ceremony, believing that the trees will bring good luck and bless their union.


Irish brides wear small bells on their wedding dresses or jewelry, or they put bells in their bouquets. The bells are worn as a symbol of good luck because the ringing allegedly discourages evil spirits intent on destroying the union. Guests may also ring bells during the ceremony or give bells to the couple as a wedding gift.
愛爾蘭新娘要在婚紗或珠寶上繫上鈴鐺,或者放在花束上。鈴鐺被作為好運的象徵是因為鈴聲可以阻止惡靈破壞婚姻。在婚禮上,客人也要搖鈴鐺或者送新人鈴鐺作為禮物。8. SAY THE WORD ‘RABBIT’ WHEN YOU WAKE UP // UNITED KINGDOM

A good luck superstition that originated in the United Kingdom involves saying “rabbit” right after you wake up on the first day of the month. Whether you say “rabbit,” “white rabbits,” or “rabbit, rabbit,” the ritual will supposedly give you good luck for the rest of the month. The superstition has been around since at least the early 1900s, and even President Franklin Roosevelt reportedly said “rabbit, rabbit” to usher in each new month. If you forget to say it in the morning, for the same results simply say “black rabbit” or “tibbar, tibbar” (rabbit spelled backwards) right before you go to sleep instead.
英國人有個迷信,在每個月的第一天早上醒來時要馬上説“兔子”。不管你説“兔子”,“白兔子”還是“兔子兔子”,這都會讓你在這個月得到好運。據説這個迷信做法在上世紀初開始存在,甚至連羅斯福總統在每個月開頭都對引座員説“兔子兔子”。如果你忘記在早上説“兔子”,你在睡前説“黑兔子”或者“tibbar,tibbar”(兔子英文rabbit反寫)也會有同樣的效果。9. RUB SPECIAL INCENSE ON YOUR ACHING BODY PARTS // JAPAN

The front of the Sensoji Temple in east Tokyo, Japan has a giant incense burner that visitors go to for a “good luck” smoke bath. This ancient Buddhist temple, the oldest in Tokyo, was founded in 628 CE and Japanese people view the incense as holy for its healing powers. Visitors come to stand around the incense, waving the smoke around their bodies, to receive good health.
東京東部的淺草寺有一個巨大的香爐,遊客們紛紛前往那裏“浴香”以尋求好運。這座東京最古老的佛寺建立於公元628年,日本人認為裏面的香有着神聖的治癒力量。遊客們站在香霧之中,往自己的身體上招,希望獲得健康。12. ACCIDENTALLY BREAK BOTTLES OF ALCOHOL // JAPAN

After he accidentally knocked a full bottle of Scotch off the shelf at the bar where he worked, a clumsy bartender in Okinawa, Japan felt humiliated and assumed he would be in big trouble. Instead, the owner and patrons cheered because they believed that breaking the bottle brings good luck and higher profits to the bar. Intentionally knocking alcohol bottles onto the floor isn’t auspicious, though—it has to be an accident.
在日本沖繩的酒吧,一名酒保不小心將架子上的一瓶蘇格蘭威士忌打翻在地,他原本覺得很丟臉,以為自己有麻煩了,但是店主和顧客們都歡呼雀躍,因為打破酒瓶會帶來好運和利潤。但是故意摔破的就不行,一定要是意外。11. EAT BEANS ON NEW YEAR’S EVE // ARGENTINA

Argentinians prepare themselves for the New Year by eating beans for good luck. Whether they eat them on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, Argentinians believe that the beans will bring them luck and security in their jobs. A cheap and deliciously easy way to gain a sense of job security and peace of mind for the year to come!
不管是在新年前夜還是元旦,阿根廷人相信吃豆子可以帶來好運和穩定的工作。這是獲得職業安全感和心靈平靜的廉價又美味的方式。10. THE NUMBER EIGHT IS GREAT // CHINA

Speaking the number eight in Chinese sounds similar to the word for fortune and prosperity, so people in China love anything having to do with eight. Chinese people schedule marriages on dates involving the number, and everything from flight numbers to phone numbers are more lucky if they have eights in them. With this superstition in mind, the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing started at 8:08 pm on 8/8/2008.