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森林裏的烏托邦 Where Tiny Houses and Big Dreams Grow

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森林裏的烏托邦 Where Tiny Houses and Big Dreams Grow

Five years ago, Zach Klein, a successful tech entrepreneur then in his late 20s, was living in New York City but dreaming of the wilderness. A former Eagle scout, partner at CollegeHumor, and founder of Vimeo, the elegant online video platform, he was in between ventures, teaching entrepreneurship at the School of Visual Arts and spinning cycles, as he put it, while looking for land to buy — a lot of land — upon which he hoped to spend time building things and reconnecting to the scouting skills of his childhood.

紐約州巴里維爾——5年前,當時快30歲的扎克·克萊恩(Zach Klein)是一名成功的科技行業創業者。他住在紐約市,卻夢繫荒野。他是曾經的鷹級童子軍(美國童子軍中的最高級別——譯註)、CollegeHumor的合夥人、高雅在線視頻平台Vimeo的創始人。當時,他處於創業間歇期,在紐約視覺藝術學院(School of Visual Arts)教授創業課程,同時騎着車四處遊走,尋找要買的土地。他買了很多地,想在上面建東西,重新拾起他在兒時學會的童子軍技能。

Most urgently, he hoped he could persuade his friends to come along for the ride.


Mr. Klein got lucky in Sullivan County, N.Y., where he found 50 acres of forest with an understory of ferns and mossy boulders, lightly accessorized with a rough-hewed, one-room shack free from plumbing and electricity and a separate sleeping porch perched on a steep hill overlooking a rushing stream called Beaver Brook.

當克萊恩騎到紐約州沙利文縣時,幸運降臨了,他在那裏發現了50英畝森林。那裏有蕨類植物組成的植被和長滿青苔的巨石,陡峭的山上點綴着一個用粗木建成的沒有水電的單間木屋和一個單獨的涼台,可以俯瞰一條名叫比弗布魯克(Beaver Brook)的湍急河流。

The property belonged to Scott Newkirk, a New York designer, and much of its appeal lay in Mr. Newkirk’s aesthetic: His shack and porch were lovely enough to have been featured in New York magazine. After 10 years there, Mr. Newkirk was ready to move on, and for about $280,000, Mr. Klein had found his utopia.

這塊房產屬於紐約設計師斯科特·紐柯克(Scott Newkirk),它的魅力也主要源於紐柯克的審美:他的木屋和涼台太可愛了,《紐約》雜誌(New York)專門對它進行過報道。紐柯克已擁有這塊地產10年,打算搬走,於是克萊恩花了大約28萬美元得到了自己的烏托邦。

Beaver Brook, as he named it, inhabits a nexus of themes: a millennial’s version of the Adirondack camps of the robber barons, the back-to-the-land movements and intentional communities of the 1950s and ’60s, and a combination folk school/artists’ residency.

這塊房產被紐柯克命名為比弗布魯克,它匯聚了多個主題:它是這位千禧一代眼中的強盜貴族的阿迪朗達克(Adirondack,木屋所在的大山的名字——譯註)營地;它也有點像20世紀五六十年代的返土歸田運動和理念村(intentional communities);它還是民間學校和藝術家創作地的結合體。

While hedge funders tend to express themselves in ever-bigger shingled simulacrums of early 20th century waterfront estates, those in the tech world who’ve enjoyed similar success may be more interested in experience, community and relationships, as Lane Becker, a founder of digital start-ups and the author of “Get Lucky,” a tech business primer on serendipity, pointed out.

雖然木屋的投資者是想建造一個大型的20世紀初濱水木瓦建築,但正如數字創業公司創始人林恩·貝克(Lane Becker)指出的那樣,在科技界體會過類似成功的人可能對體驗、社區和人際關係更感興趣。貝克是《好運》(Get Lucky)一書的作者,這本書是瞭解科技界各種機緣巧合的入門書籍。

“To the extent they want to spend their money, it’s on stuff like that,” he said. Mr. Becker and his wife, Courtney Skott, a furniture maker, were in Denver last weekend for a wedding, staying with a couple — a start-up entrepreneur and a television producer — who had rehabbed a Masonic Lodge. “They Airbnb some of the rooms out,” Mr. Becker said, “less because they need the money but because they’d like to get know different people. That’s sort of the model of what Zach’s doing. Some might see a sort of hipster-twee affectation, but I think there’s a more genuine impulse at work.”

“他們就想把錢花在像那樣的東西上面,”貝克説。上週末,他和妻子(以製作傢俱為業)考特妮·斯科特(Courtney Skott)去丹佛參加婚禮,住在一對夫婦家裏。這夫妻倆一個是創業家,一個是電視製片人,他們翻修了一個共濟會會所(Masonic Lodge)。“他們把其中一些房間掛到了Airbnb上,”貝克説,“並不是因為他們需要這點錢,而是因為他們喜歡結識各種人。這和扎克在做的事有點兒像。有些人可能把這看作是一種追求新奇的做作行為,但我覺得這源於一種更真實的激情。”

Mr. Klein’s inspirations are familiar: the writings of Stewart Brand, the ’60s era eco guru and editor of the Whole Earth Catalogue; and John Seymour, the author of “The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live it, ” along with the architectural ideals of Christopher Alexander. Other touchstones included a maple sugar shanty he once visited as a child, a community of Hobbitlike tiny houses called Trout Gulch built by some tech friends in Santa Cruz, Calif., and a yurt village built by a family in the Adirondacks.

克萊恩的靈感可能來自以下這些著名人物的理念:60年代的環保大師、《全球概覽》(Whole Earth Catalogue)的主編斯圖爾特·布蘭德(Stewart Brand);《自給自足的生活技能》(The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live it)的作者約翰·西摩(John Seymour);以及建築師克里斯托弗·亞歷山大(Christopher Alexander)。他兒時去過的一個楓糖小屋、加利福尼亞州聖克魯斯科技界的一些朋友建造的霍比特式小屋社區鱒魚峽谷(Trout Gulch),還有阿迪朗達克山區一户人家修建的蒙古包村,也都是克萊恩靈感的來源。

But his pitch was pretty simple, said Courtney Klein, a digital strategist and entrepreneur, who married Mr. Klein at Beaver Brook in 2012. “It was, ‘Let’s get a piece of land and we could bring all our friends together and have a good time.’ ”


And so it began. In August 2010, the couple hosted a weekend of “bonfires, contemplation and wood chopping,” among other activities. They cooked stew in the shack, now called Scott’s Cabin, for Mr. Newkirk, and which Mr. Newkirk had outfitted with a propane stove, and washed up by hauling five-gallon containers from the brook.


Some guests bunked in the shack and sleeping porch; others pitched tents among the ferns. The experience was the model for what would be a kind of weekend commune, an experiment in episodic off-the-grid-living with a core of eight friends that has grown to about 20, including five children (Nell Klein arrived just over a year ago. )


There was Brian Jacobs, a sound designer and composer and Mr. Klein’s former roommate in New York City. He had been a junior Maine guide and his proficiency with an ax served the group well. There was Jace Cooke, a founder of the tech start-up Giphy, and other young creatives — animators, app designers, musicians and filmmakers.

其中一位叫布賴恩·雅各布斯(Brian Jacobs),他是一名音響設計師兼作曲家,也是克萊恩在紐約時的室友。以前他在緬因州做過初級導遊,他很會使用斧頭,這個技能對這個組織很有用。來這兒的還有科技初創公司Giphy的創始人傑斯·庫克(Jace Cooke)等年輕創意工作者,比如動畫師、應用程序設計師、音樂人和電影人。

Mr. Jacobs brought Grace Kapin, who worked in fashion, one weekend; having survived that, they are now married and building a cabin there. Before long, everyone became handy with chain saws and other power tools; they brought in more experienced builders to oversee large projects and teach the group carpentry skills.

有一個週末,雅各布斯帶着格蕾絲·考平(Grace Kapin)前來,她在時尚界工作。有了在那裏共度週末的經歷,現在他們已經結婚,在附近也建了一座小木屋。不久之後,所有人都能熟練使用鏈鋸等電動工具,他們還請了一些更有經驗的建築工人來監督大型項目,教大家木工技術。

There were rookie mistakes. An early project, a barrel-shaped tub, floated away one spring when the snow melted and the brook rose. Composting drew bears. (Ms. Kapin named their ursine visitors: Alan Ginzbear, Stephen Colbear, Marion Beary.)

他們也會犯些新手才會犯的錯誤。早期他們做過一個桶狀浴盆,結果春天冰雪融化、小溪漲水時,它就被沖走了。堆肥還把熊給引來了(考平還給那些熊起了名字:艾倫·金絲熊[Alan Ginzbear]、斯蒂芬·科爾熊[Stephen Colbear]和馬里昂·熊熊[Marion Beary])。

The group made art on their camping weekends, including a winsome short film about building a stool from an oak tree, and took enticing photographs that looked like they had been art-directed by the editors of Kinfolk magazine. Since 2009, Mr. Klein had been collecting images of sheds, shacks, cabins and huts into a Tumblr blog he called, cunningly, Cabin Porn, and he also posted Beaver Brook’s embellishments, captured in those photographs, there.

這羣人還把他們的週末野營生活搞得很藝術化。他們拍了一部頗為討喜的短片,講的是如何用一段橡木做一把凳子;還拍了一些誘人的照片,像是在《Kinfolk》雜誌編輯的藝術指導下完成的。自2009年起,克萊恩就一直在收集各種工棚、棚屋和木屋的圖片,並把它們收入一個Tumblr博客裏,博客的名字起得很搞怪,叫Cabin Porn。他還在上面發佈大家拍的比弗布魯克裝飾品的照片。

When the blog, an enchanting rabbit hole of tiny handmade houses, quickly went viral, his private utopia became public record, and book publishers came courting, seeing in Cabin Porn the architectural equivalent of Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York. The result, “Cabin Porn: Inspiration for Your Quiet Place Somewhere,” is out this week from Little, Brown.

這個博客成了集合各種小手工房的兔子洞,非常吸引人,很快傳播開來,克萊恩自己的烏托邦變得廣為人知,出版商也找上門來,他們認為Cabin Porn是攝影師布蘭登·斯坦頓(Brandon Stanton)《人在紐約》(Humans of New York)的建築界版本。結果,《Cabin Porn:心中靜默之處的靈感》(Cabin Porn: Inspiration for Your Quiet Place Somewhere)一書將於本週(9月20日至9月26日)由利特爾-布朗出版社(Little, Brown)出版。

Three years ago, Mr. Klein began inviting artisans like Tom Bonamici, a product designer with an expertise in woodworking and timber framing, to hold annual weeklong workshops at Beaver Brook for paying students to learn building skills. Mr. Klein, whose latest endeavor is DIY, an online “maker” site for children, is keenly interested in turning Beaver Brook into both a folk school and an artists’ residency.

三年前,克萊恩開始邀請一些工匠每年花一週時間來比弗布魯克舉辦講習班,學生們可以付費學習建造技巧。比如,產品設計師湯姆·博納米奇(Tom Bonamici),他擅長木工活和木屋骨架製作。克萊恩最近在做的是一個名叫DIY的兒童“創客”(maker)網站,他很想把比弗布魯克變成一個民間學校和藝術家創作地。

After his first workshop, and at Mr. Klein’s urging, Mr. Bonamici, a gentle Oregonian with a passion for traditional Japanese timber framing, became a Beaver Brook resident.


Like all utopias, this one changed as it grew. It was three years ago that the Bunkhouse was built, on a piece of land across the brook with road frontage, electricity and a well. Camping in Scott’s Cabin or in tents strewn about the hill had lost its luster, Mr. Klein said, “People got slower and slower about volunteering to do the dishes on cold nights.” And without power, Beaver Brook’s season was contained to the warmer months.


Yet there is some nostalgia for the time “before,” when there was no cellphone coverage, Wi-Fi or hot water. This year’s Beaver Brook workshop project was timber framing, the foundation for an outdoor kitchen the residents hope will bring some of the action back to the Arcadian side of the brook. Six students paid $500 for Mr. Bonamici’s tutelage; the fee covered a week’s worth of chef-cooked meals and groceries (Mr. Klein and Ms. Klein paid for materials and Mr. Bonamici’s stipend).


On the last night of the workshop, students and residents ate by candlelight among the sturdy framework they’d built. “It was like old times,” Mr. Klein said.


The Bunkhouse, Mr. Klein said, was also bait for a plan he was hatching to draw Ms. Klein, Mr. Jacobs and Ms. Kapin into full-time residency at Beaver Brook. The four discussed buying a local market, perhaps putting a bar in its basement until Ms. Klein put the kibosh on the plan.


While Beaver Brook, she said, “did snowball pretty quickly from something that had more meaning than a weekend house,” it was not her life plan to settle permanently in rural Sullivan County.


“Courtney was the voice of reason,” Ms. Kapin said.


The Kleins have since moved to San Francisco, where DIY is based. Ms. Klein and Ms. Kapin, who still lives in Brooklyn, are partners in Storq, a line of maternity clothes that Ms. Klein founded.


Mr. Klein and Ms. Klein are Beaver Brook’s owners, and they pay taxes and insurance on the properties. Beaver Brook residents are divided by their dues into two categories: Bunkers pay $150 a month for a guaranteed bed in the Bunkhouse. Campers pay $75 a month for a spot across the brook.


Bedrooms at the Bunkhouse, an airy open-plan house designed around the frame of a 19th-century barn, are first come first served. It’s the most practical system, Mr. Klein said.


Last year, 100 people, give or take, spent at least one night in the house. Over Labor Day, he and Ms. Klein and Nell were sleeping in a first-floor bedroom that has been outfitted with a crib, one of three separate bedrooms.


Most of the sleeping options are communal: In an open loft space upstairs, there are two double beds; the Bunkroom, which is also upstairs, has eight futons on its wide-planked yellow pine floor. It’s Mr. Klein’s favorite place to sleep. “I love being up here with eight snoring buddies,” he said.


As for projects, there is one simple rule, Mr. Klein said: “As long as the thing you want to do doesn’t cause irreversible change, just go for it.” Idan Cohen, an amateur chef, organized the building of a cob oven one work weekend this summer. As it happens, Ms. Kapin’s and Mr. Jacobs’s stunning wedge of a cabin, dubbed Clydeshead for their dog, Clyde, was Mr. Klein’s idea.

克萊恩説,他做項目有一條簡單的規矩,“只要你想做的事不會導致不可逆轉的變化,那就儘管去做”。今年夏天的一個勞動週末,業餘大廚伊登·科恩(Idan Cohen)組織大家做柴火爐。實際上,考平和雅各布斯的那個令人驚豔的楔形木屋(他倆以自家狗狗Clyde的名字把木屋命名為Clydeshead)就是克萊恩的主意。

“It’s his special skill to talk people into doing something ambitious,” Ms. Kapin said. (Given Mr. Klein’s hope to anchor his friends more permanently to Beaver Brook, one suspects in this instance a deeper motive.)


With a budget of $10,000, Mr. Jacobs’s and Ms. Kapin’s original vision of a cube tucked into the hill receded pretty quickly. “Once we talked to people who knew what they were doing,” Mr. Jacobs said, “we realized we’d have to build a retaining wall, there’d be backhoes involved...”


Mr. Jacobs’s brother, Mike, is an architect, and he designed a refined 350-foot rectangle cantilevered out over the hill that uses the surrounding trees as supports. That particular innovation depends on treehouse technology, an anchor bolt known as a Garnier Limb. (Michael Garnier, an Oregon based treehouse builder — and treehouse dweller — is sometimes known as the father of the modern treehouse movement.)

雅各布斯的弟弟邁克(Mike)是一名建築師,他設計了一個350平方英尺大的精緻長方形屋子,利用周圍的樹作支撐,懸掛在山上。這種特殊的創新靠的是一種名叫“卡尼爾枝翼”(Garnier Limb)錨栓的樹屋技術(邁克爾·卡尼爾[Michael Garnier]是俄勒岡的一位樹屋建築師,他自己也住在樹屋裏,有時他被譽為現代樹屋運動之父)。

There are Beaver Brook rituals, like the annual talent show, held New Year’s Eve in the Bunkhouse. Newbies earn a nickname after their third night on the property, and following a requisite post-sauna plunge in the brook after dark. (Mr. Klein’s is Zubaz, for the virulently patterned pants that he and other Buffalo Bills fans like to wear. Ms. Kapin’s is Guns, for the Linda Hamilton-like biceps she developed building her cabin.)

比弗布魯克也有各種儀式,比如每年新年前夕在工棚裏舉辦的才藝秀。新來的人在這裏度過三晚之後,就會擁有自己的暱稱,然後必須在晚上洗完桑拿之後跳進小溪裏完成整個儀式(克萊恩的暱稱是Zubaz,名字來自他和其他布法羅比爾隊(Buffalo Bills)的粉絲喜歡穿的那種有着狂野圖案的褲子。考平的暱稱是Guns,因為在蓋小屋期間,她練出了像琳達·漢密爾頓[Linda Hamilton]那樣的肱二頭肌)。

On work weekends, newcomers might be assigned grunt work chores like path maintenance. “It is much, much harder than you’d imagine,” Ms. Kapin said with a slight shudder.


There’s an email chain, for planning projects and working out domestic issues. Laundry has been particularly thorny. With so many beds and no assigned rooms, the residents were struggling until it was suggested they bring their own sheets and towels. One resident offered to cross-stitch everyone’s names on their linens.


Beekeeping has been broached as a project for next summer (Mr. Klein has a hankering for mead). In August, Mr. Klein sent around a Beaver Brook logo he and Mr. Cooke designed as a book stamp for their growing Bunkhouse library.


Unlike the vicious, trollish tenor of, say, the internal communiqués of Manhattan co-ops, Beaver Brook residents write with civility and a regular refrain of “awesome!”


“I think this is an important step,” Mr. Klein wrote, weighing in on the recent laundry discussion, “towards delegating the responsibilities for making BB work, creating a more camp-like culture, and raising the bar of participation to be more intentional. Cheers or jeers?”


Back home in San Francisco, the email chain is Mr. Klein’s primary online community, as he pines for his East Coast retreat.


Sunday nights are rough, he added. “It’s when everyone is driving back to the city from Beaver Brook,” he said, “and I get a flurry of photos of the meals they’ve made, or of building the cob oven, and I feel on some level I’m missing out on the life I made.”



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