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Winners of the Nikon Small World Competition, showcasing photography taken through a light microscope.


Heiti Paves from Tallinn University won the competition with this 20X zoom picture of a Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) plant.

來自愛沙尼亞塔林大學的Heiti Paves憑藉這張20X焦距的擬南芥(生物學研究中常用的實驗材料)圖片奪得頭獎。

奇妙的微觀世界 第2張

Second place: Gerd A. Guenther from Dusseldorf in Germany snapped the Sonchus asper (spiny sowthistle) flower stem section with 150X zoom. It is a common roadside weed in the U.S.

第二名:來自德國杜塞爾多夫的Gerd A. Guenther150X焦距的圖片: 一種美國路邊常見的花葉菜的莖部截面寫真。

奇妙的微觀世界 第3張

Third place: Pedro Barrios-Perez, from Ottowa, Canada captured this wrinkled photoresist with 200X zoom. Photoresists are light-sensitive materials used to create patterned coating on surfaces in photoengraving.

第三名:來自加拿大渥太華的Pedro Barrios-Perez的200X寫真:出現皺褶的光致抗蝕劑。這是一種用於相片塗層的光敏物質。

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Fourth place: James E. Hayden, from Philadelphia took this picture of an Anglerfish ovary with 4X zoom. The deep sea fish lures prey with a light.

第四名:來自費城的James E. Hayden4X焦距的寫真:一種以光線引誘獵物的深海魚的卵巢。

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Fifth place: Bruno Vellutini, from Sao Paulo university in Brazil looked at the oral surface of a young seastar with a 40X zoom.

第五名:來自巴西聖保羅大學的Bruno Vellutini的40X寫真:一隻年輕海星的口部表面。

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Sixth place: Havi Sarfaty, from Israel took this close-up of Discus fish scales with 20X zoom. They are native to the Amazon basin.

第六名:來自以色列的Havi Sarfaty20X近距離寫真:七彩魚的鱗片。這種魚生長在亞馬遜盆地。

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Seventh place: Shirley Owens from Michigan State University captured the hair-like trichomes on Thunbergia alata (Black-eyed Susan vine) with 450X zoom. The yellow-flowered plant is a perennial climbing plant.

第七名:來自密歇根州立大學的Shirley Owens的450X寫真:黑眼花的髮狀香毛簇。這是一種開黃花的常青藤蔓植物。