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中英雙語話歷史 第89期:清朝(滅亡)

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The corrupt Qing Government Emperor : Qianlong had been in the throne for sixty years. He inherited the former emperors course and stressed on the development of agriculture and strengthened the control on the frontiers, which made the united multi-nationality country develop further. So the period of Qianglong was called “a period of prosperity”.

中英雙語話歷史 第89期:清朝(滅亡)

And it was also a turning point for Qing to go from prosperity to downfall. In the reign of Qianlong, the seeds of capitalism were growing further, the basic contradictions in the feudal society became more and more serious, and the feudal system had been already corrupt.

但這一時期也是清 朝統治由盛到衰的轉折點。乾隆時期資本主義萌芽進一步發展,封建社會的基本 矛盾日益激化,封建制度日趨腐朽。

In the later days of Qianlong, he focused on M cultural and military achievementsM and loosened the control and management of the officials and the political fall appeared. From the end of Qianlong to the periods of Jiaqing and Daoguang, the administrative management was corrupt, the financial state was difficult, the centralization of land was high and the classical contradictions were becoming fiercer.

乾隆帝晚年陶醉於“文治武功”,放鬆對官吏的 整肅,出現統治衰敗的徵象。從乾隆後期到嘉慶、道光時期,吏治敗壞、財政困難、 武備廢弛、土地高度集中,階級矛盾日益激化。

The struggle against the feudalism : 1) the peasants resisted to hand in taxand the hungry people fought for grains. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,the peasants had the fierce fight for land and against the high tax with the landlords and the government. They required to get rid of the tax and lessen the rent and raised the calls to “average the land” and so on. This reflected that the tenants wanted to own their own land;

城鄉人民的反封建鬥爭:①農民抗租,饑民奪糧的鬥爭。從清初,農民為了反 對高額地租和爭取佃耕權,向地主和官府展開了激烈的抗租鬥爭。他們要求“除賦 捐租”,提出“均田(佃)”、等鬥爭口號,反映了佃農對永佃權和土地所有權的要求。

2) The craftsmen fought for freedom;


3) The Miaos rebellion in Xiang and Qian against the control of corrupt Qing broke out in 1795 because the Han beaucrats and merchants occupied the land of the Miaos in the Miao areas in Guizhou, Hunan and Sichun and the feudal government began to exploit them severely. In the first moon of 1795, one of the Miaos in Songtao, Guizhou, Shi Liudeng launched the uprising first and then Shi Lanbao and Wu Ruyue of the Miaos in Hunan rose up one by one. They raised a call to drive the guests out and restore their own land. The rebellion had lasted for twelve years and failed in the end in 1896;

③湘黔苗民起義。貴州、湖南、四川的苗族地區,漢族官 僚地主和商人(即所謂“客民”,)不斷侵佔苗民土地,封建官府也加緊對苗民的剝 削。1795年正月,貴州鬆桃苗民石柳鄧首先發動起義,湖南苗民石蘭保、吳入月也 相繼而起。起義軍提出“逐客民,復故地”的口號。這次起義前後持續12年之久, 到1896年才最後失敗。

4) Bailianjiao uprising broke out in Sichuan and Hubei. In the old years of Qianlong, Bailainjiao was current in Hubei, Sichuan, and Shaanxi and so on. The Qing Government ordered to punish Bailianjiao followers severely and those who were involved in it and killed were innumerable. The heads of Bailianjiao, Liu Zhixie, Wang Conger and Yao Zhifu and so on raised the call to “rebel because of the Government oppression” and they were ready to rebel. Bailianjiao in Yichuan, Hubei rose up in the first moon of 1796 before the schedual because of the reveal of the news. Thenthefollowers inmanyplacesofHubei,Sh chuan, and Shaanxi rose up, too. The uprising had lasted for nine years. It was the last large-scaled rebellion in the feudal society, which punctured heavily the Qing governors;

④川楚白蓮教大起義。乾隆晚年,湖北、四川、陝西等省白 蓮教盛行。清政府下令嚴懲白蓮教教徒,被株連陷害者不可勝數。白蓮教首領劉 之協、王聰兒(女)、姚之富等提出“官逼民反”的口號,準備起義。因消息泄露,湖 北宜川白蓮教提前於1796年正月首先發難,接着湖北、四川、陝西許多地方白蓮教 徒都紛起響應。這次起義歷時9年,波及5省,成為中國封建社會中最後一次規棋 較大的農民戰爭,給清朝統治者以沉重的打擊。

5) Tianli Jiao Uprising in the North took place in 1813. Lin Qing and Li Wencheng led the Tianli Jiao uprising in 1813 in the North. Lin Qing sneaked into Beijing with the guidance of the follower eunuch and attacked the court. But he failed because he fought against hopeless odds. But the insurrectionary army continued to fight under the leadership of Li Wencheng in Hua County of Henan. Then the Qing army broke through Hua County and Li burned himself and died a hero’s death;

⑤北方天理教起義.813年,北方爆 發了林清、李文成領導的天理教起義。林清串眾潛入北京城,在人教太監導引下, 進攻清宮,因寡不敵眾而失敗。李文成領導的起義軍在河南滑縣繼續鬥爭,後清軍 攻破滑縣,李文成自焚,壯烈犧性。

6) The Rebellion of the Taiping. The increasing population and the depredation of copper coins was the main origin of the deep social problems of the 19th century. Although there was a need to enlarge the administration staff, the quota for the official recruitment stayed stabile. Corruption and bribery was the consequence of a lack of tasks for the educated class ; a very intense description of this situation is Liu E9s late Qing novel u Travels of Lao Can M.

⑥太平天國起義。人口的增長和銅幣的貶值, 是19世紀清朝時期中國社會重大社會問題的主要根源。儘管清政府需要擴充政 府官員,但是政府所需新吸收的官員數量的配額始終沒有變化。貪污受賄是那些 受教育階級無所事事的結果,關於這方面,在清朝晚期小説家劉鄂的《老殘遊記》中 作了極為詳細的描寫。

The local mandarins were obliged to hand over a special amount of collected taxes to the court in Beijing, buthew much taxes the mandarins really levied was up to them. Especially in southern China, many peasants did not own the fields they worked on, but acted as tenant farmers, and perhaps forever if they did not go to the cities to find a better job.

地方官員有責任向清政府交納特定數量的徵税,至於徵多 少税那就是他們自己的事了。特別是在中國南部,很多農民種地但是並不擁有土 地,如果他們不到城裏去尋找好一點兒的工作,那麼他們就得一直當佃農。

Other people joined bandits or rovers, girls looked for employment in the red quarters of the lower Yangtze cities. Trying to escape the taxmen and the population pressure, many landless peasants looked for new estates in remote mountain areas.


In 1795, a group of peasants rose against the Qing government. This traditional peasant uprising was called “White Lotus ”. The immense uprising of the “Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace”was of a similar character like the other secret societies and peasant or worker uprisings during Chinese history, but it was one of only a few uprisings that were able to endanger the foundation of a ruling dynasty.

1795年,一部分農民起義反對抗清朝政府的統治,這次傳統上的農民起義史 稱“白蓮教”。規模巨大的“太平天國”起義與其他中國歷史上的祕密社會團體和 農民或者工人起義的性質是一樣的,它只不過是清朝時期幾次大的起義中能夠威 脅到統治階級的根基的一次起義。

The founder of the Taiping Movement was the frustrated scholar Hong Xiuquan. Hong had been in contact with Christians and developed his own pseudo-Christian religion. He saw himself as a kind of messiahs and preached a social egalitarism and puritanism. His followers were unemployed, desperados and the poor, and they started to rebel against the Qing governmental institutions in 1850 from Guan-gxi Province. The organization of the movement was a strict hierarchy without separating military, political and clerical functions. In 1853, the Taiping rebels occupied Nanjing and established this city as their capital. Their armies advanced to Tianjin and had cut the waterways from south to north, the Taiping controlled the whole lower Yangtze River area.

太平天國運動的發起人是在科舉考試中屢試不中的讀書人洪秀全。洪秀全曾經和西方的基督教徒有過接觸,於是就發展出了自己的偽基督教。他把自己看成是復國使者,到處宣講他的平等主義和清教徒思想, 而他的追隨者都是些無業者、市井無賴和勞苦大眾。1850年,他們從廣西省起兵 反對清朝政府的統治。太平天國運動組織是一個不分軍事、政治、宗教作用但有着 嚴格等級制度的組織。1853年,太平義軍攻下南京並把南京定為國都。他們繼續 北上攻下天津並切斷了南北的水路通道,佔領了整個長江下游。

The Qing Government was unable to subjugate the rebels, and instead, local governors and rich merchants recruited soldiers to subdue the mighty Heavenly Kingdom. Three armies of local governors (Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang) and the Western powers under Frederick T. Ward and Charles 丄 Gordon with their “Ever-Victorious Army” were able to gradually throw back the Taiping armies and to massacre the Heavenly Capital Nanjing in 1864.

清朝政府無力鎮 壓義軍,倒是地方官員和富商們招募士兵,鎮壓聲勢浩大的太平天國。地方統治者 的三支部隊(曾國藩、左宗棠和李鴻章)以及弗來德里科? T ?華特和查里斯? G ? 格登領導下的西方勢力“長勝軍”相互勾結才逐步把太平軍逐回南方,並在1864年 在太平軍首府南京慘殺太平軍將士,天京陷落。

The Taiping Rebellion was only the mightiest of a long line of uprisings that shook the Qing government during the 19th century. The Heavenly Kingdom movement failed with certain causes and it has its importance in the history of China. The objective cause for it to fail is that the anti-revolutionary power was too great. It was suppressed not only by the internal armies but also the foreign armed interference of the foreign invaders.

太平天國起義是19世紀唯一的一個規模大、持續時間長並動搖了清政府統治 的起義,雖然失敗了,它還是有其失敗的原因和歷史意義:客觀原因是反動勢力過 於強大。太平天國起義不僅遭到國內封建勢力的全力鎮壓,而且還受到外國侵略 者的武裝干涉。

The subjective cause for it to fail is that the limitation of the leaders of the uprising and the mistakes caused by it. But the Heavenly Kingdom movement has its deep historical importance.

主觀原因是領導太平天國起義的農民本身的侷限性以及主要由此 產生的種種錯誤。太平天國起義雖然失敗了,其歷史意義卻是深遠的。

First it resisted the invaders,which showed the spirit of Chinese people of not being afraid of strong enem played an important part in the war in resistance the attempt of colonilization of China of the invaders.

首先,對外 抵抗了侵略者,顯示了中國人民不畏強寇的鬥爭精神,在阻止侵略者企圖使中國殖 民地化的鬥爭中起到了重要作用。

Second it stroke heavily the feudal power with the representation of the Qing government and sped up the downfall of the Qing government. The Heavenly Kingdom Rebellion is one of the cornerstones for the victory of the modern Chinese democratic revolution.

再者,對內沉重打擊了清政府所代表的封建勢 力,加速了清政府的衰亡。太平天國起義是近代中國民主革命勝利的基石之一。

The result of these rebellions was the clear evidence that the central government was further unable to control their vast empire. Instead ,local governors and military commanders took over the responsibility for actual policy—a situation similar to the end of Han Dynasty, when generals could control the central government after subduing the Yellow Turban Rebellion, with the difference that the Later Han commanders tried to replace the emperor, while Li Hongzhang and his colleagues saw themselves as moral defenders of the Qing throne against rebels.

清朝末年的農民起義説明中央政府已經無力控制他們的龐大的帝國了。相反,地方官員和軍中要員接管了政治責任——這一情況和漢朝末年相同,當時,將領們鎮 壓了黃巾軍起義後,控制了中央政權,但不同的是,漢朝末年的將領試圖取代皇帝, 而李鴻章和他的同僚則只把自己看成是鎮壓起義、效忠皇帝的忠實衞士。

Because the Qing government did not want to negotiate with the Western powers,the provincial governors had a free hand in the field of foreign politics.

因為清 政府不願和西方列強談判,各省官員在對外政策上就可以放手行事。

The economical and demographical impact of these twenty years of internal war was deep enough to talk of a “restoration” under the Tongzhi Emperor: before building up a modern industry, the economy as a whole had to be reconstructed, especially the agriculture with the task of building dikes, waterways, water reservoirs, and granaries; the economical reconstruction required the increase of taxes and duties, a situation that did not help trade and commerce that had to encounter the foreign competition.

20年的內戰在經濟和人口上對政府的衝擊如此之強以至於在同治皇帝時不 得不改革:在建設現代化的工業之前,必須重建整個經濟,尤其是農業要修建大壩、 水路、水庫和糧倉。經濟的恢復需要增加賦税,這一情形無助於不得不面對來自國 外競爭的商業和貿易的發展。

Westernization movement and the appearance of Chinese Capitalism : Westernization movement is a movement that was launched by the governors in the late Qing to save the country itself.


It is the result that the capitalist invaders strengthened their control for the Qing Government and their further political influence on China. It is the result that the foreign capitalists strengthened their economic penetration and spread in China and yet the Chinese natural economic structure began to disintegrate.

它是資本主義侵略者加強對清政府的控制,列強政治影響進一步深化的產物,又是 外國資本主義經濟對中國滲透的加深和擴散,中國社會自然經濟結構逐步解體。

The guiding ideology of the westernization movement was uto apply the western systems in China,,< The principles of the activities included politics, military, economy and education etc. The activities had their different focuses according to the changes and development of the situations and the development of the movement itself. In general it focused on military and economy.

洋務運動的指導思想是“中學為體,西學為用”,其活動則包括政治,軍事、經濟,文 化教育等廣泛的內容,這些活動隨着形勢的變化、發展和運動本身的發展,其着重 點也有不同,總的是以軍事和經濟活動為主。

The westernization had the first and the second periods. The first period focused on the construction of the munitions enterprises and the latter focused on the construction ofthe local business and the new navy.

洋務運動可分為前後兩個時期,前期 以創辦新式軍事工業為主,後期則以創辦民用企業和創建新式海軍為主。

Since 1860s and 1870s, the national capitalist business emerged gradually in China. The conditions for it to appear were the formation of outlets for goods and the market for labor forces and the stimulation of the foreign capitalism.

從19世紀六七十年代開始,中國逐漸出現民族資本主義企業。中國民族資本 主義企業產生的條件主要是商品市場、勞動力市場的形成和外國資本主義的刺激。

The Chinese original natural economic structure changed rapidly and disintegrated with the occurrence that China became the market of the foreign products and the providing place of the raw materials step by step.

隨着中國一步步成為外國的商品市場和原料供應地,中國社會原先的自然經 濟結構迅速變化,逐步瓦解。

The Boxer Rebellion: The Boxer rebellion rose up in Shandong first in 1899. Then it spread to North China and Northeast China at a speed and marched to Beijing and Tianjin. The boxer rebellion developed greatly and stroked heavily the invading power of the capitalism.

義和團運動:義和團運動於1899年首先在山東興起,迅速擴展到華北、東北地 區,並直逼京津。義和團運動蓬勃發展,沉重打擊了帝國主義侵華勢力。

In order to suppress the Chinese movement against the capitalist invaders and for the love of the their country of the Chinese people, in June 1900, Britain, France, Japan, Russia, German, USA, Austria and Italy organized the international u Eight-Power Allied Forcesand began to invade China in large swarms.

為了鎮壓 中國人民的反帝愛國運動,1900年6月,英、法、日、俄,德、美、意、奧八國組成侵略 聯軍,大舉入侵中國。

The Group of Justice and Peace fought with the capitalist invaders heroically. Certain patriotic officers and soldiers of the Qing army took part in the battle to resist the invasion of the capitalists.

義和團與帝國主義侵略者進行了英勇鬥爭。一部分清政府 的愛國官兵也參加了抗擊侵略者的戰鬥。

In Shangdong, the fist fighters focused on the fight against the foreign religions and the other invading powers. Meanwhile they were against the feudal power which protected the foreign religion and suppress the masses. In the year of 1896, Zhao Sanduo and the others gathered up the fist fighters for justice and peace at Liyuantun of Guan County in the Northwest of Shangdong near Zhili.

義和團在山東主要是反抗洋教和其他外國侵略勢力。同時也打擊庇護洋教而 壓制百姓的地方封建勢力。1896年,毗鄰直隸的魯西北冠縣梨園屯趙三多等人,在 當地聚集義和拳眾。

In October 1898, Zhao Sanduo commanded more than three hundred fist fighters to siege the Hongtaoyuan church nearby. The church invited the Qing army to suppress. The fist fighters withdrew to Linqing in the east and continued to fight against the foreign religions at the common boundary of Zhili and Shandong.

1898年10月,趙三多率拳眾300多人圍攻附近的紅桃園教 堂,教會請來清軍鎮壓,拳眾東撤到臨清,繼續在直隸和山東交界之處進行反洋教 鬥爭。

At the same time, the Fists for Justice and Peace rose up and fought against the foreign religions under the leadership of Zhu Hongdeng (the used name Zhu Fengming) and the Buddhist monk Xincheng (the used name Yang Zhaoshun) in the areas of Changqing, Zaiping, Gaotang and Yucheng. The local poor peasants and groups of homeless people responded and rose up.

與此同時,長清、在平、高唐、禹城一帶的義和拳,在朱紅燈(原名朱逢明)與 心誠和尚(原名楊照順)率領下,也掀起反洋教鬥爭,當地貧苦農民和大批流民羣眾 紛紛響應。

According to the statistics of historical data, there were more than eight hundred places that had the boxers in more than eight hundred and sixty villages in only Pingyi County in short three months. Almost every village had the boxers.

根據史料統計,在短短3個月裏,僅在平一縣860餘莊中,習拳者多至 800餘處,幾乎村村皆有。

At the beginning of movement that the Fists for Justice and Peace fought against the foreign religions, the Qing government ordered the provincial governor of ShandongZhang Rumei to protect the churches. Zhang Rumei sent his armies to suppress" many times and was defeated completely by the fist fighters.

義和拳掀起反洋教鬥爭時,清政府接連下令山東巡撫張 汝梅“實力保護”教堂教士。張汝梅多次派兵前往鎮壓,皆被拳民打敗

At the beginning of the fight, the German invaders stationed in Shandong occupied Rizhao, Jimo and Gaomi and so on in spring of 1899 and required the Qing government to suppress the Group for Justice and Peace.

義和團運動在山東興起之初,盤踞山東的德國侵略軍便於1899年春佔領日 照、即墨、高密等地,並要求清政府鎮壓義和團。

The Revolution of 1911: The weakness and inability of the Qing government made China lose large pieces of land. The Chinese masses organized spontaneously the movement to protect their motherland everywhere in the country.

辛亥革命:清政府的無能致使中國領土大面積淪喪,中國民眾在全國各地自發 組織了保國運動。

In the early years of the 20th century, the revolutionary organizations mushroomed constantly, taking it as the purpose to overthrow the corrupt control of the Qing government, one of which was the Tongmenghui led by Sun Zhongshan. It launched many armed rebellion and stroke heavily the control of the Qing government.

20世紀初,以推翻清政府的腐朽統治作為奮鬥目標的革命團體 不斷湧現。其中,以孫中山為首的中國同盟會多次發動武裝起義,沉重打擊了清王 朝的統治。

Because of the influence of the Western capitalist thinking, the revolutionaries and the reform group required to realize the constitutional monarchy in China. But when the constitutional group realized the false constitution of the Qing government, they broke with the Qing government in the end and launched the revolution of 1911 to overthrow the Qing Empire.

受西方資產階級思想的影響,革命黨人和資產階級維新派要求在中國 實行君主立憲制度。當立憲派覺悟到清政府的假立憲面目後終於同清政府決裂。 發動了推翻清王朝的辛亥革命。

The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Qing government and founded their own temporary administration in Nanjing.


The Revolution of 1911 is an important historical event in the history of China.


Politically, it overthrew the Qing empire, and ended the feudal centralized system which lasted for several thousand years in China. The first democratic republic regime was founded and the idea of democratic republic was deeply rooted in the heart of the masses. Economically, the Nanjing Temporary Government awarded the capitalist industry and commerce and promoted the civil enterprises.

在政治上,推翻了清王朝, 結束了在中國延續了幾千年之久的封建專制政體,第一次建立起民主共和政權,並 使民主共和的觀念深人人心;在經濟上,南京臨時政府獎勵資本主義工商業,促進 了民營企業的發展。

In 1912, the newly-founded factories in the country amounted to nine hundred and sixty-three, which increased to one time compared with that in 1911. The development of the national capitalist business continued for many years and the national capitalist economy entered its golden time because of the other factors together. That provided material qualifications for the continuous rise. Culturally, some feudal and backward rules and customs were casted aside and the pursuit for science and democracy became fashionable.

1912年全國新創辦的工廠達963家,較之1911年增加了一倍。民族資本企業的這個發展勢頭持續了多年,加上其他因素,使民族資本主義經 濟的發展進人了“黃金時代”,為民主運動的繼續高漲提供了物質條件;在思想文化 上,一些封建的、落後的陳規陋習被唾棄,追求科學和民主成為社會時尚。