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padding-bottom: 26.09%;">有关的办公室常用语

这一次,我们就来讲讲这些在办公室里常说的话。 1. He is gone for the day.他今天都不会在了。 当有人要找某某某,而他正好不在,这通常有两种情况。一是这位仁兄暂时离开,可能是去洗手间,可能是去复印东西。这时候我们可以告诉人家:He/She is not at his/her seat right now. 意思就是他现在不在座位上。这句话的意思是说这个人就在附近没有走远,很快就会回来。当这种情况发生时,你不妨再补充一下:He is not here, but he is around. (他现在不在,不过就在附近。) 或是 He is not available right now, but he will be back in a few minutes. (他现在不在,但一会儿就会回来。) 另外一种情况就是这位仁兄早早就收工,回家陪老婆或是提早下班跟女朋友约会去了。如果是这种情況的话,我们就可以说:He is gone for the day. 言下之意就是他今天都不会再出现了。如果很不幸地,老板正好有急事要找他,而他却己经 gone for the day,想必老板的脸色不会太好看。 2. May I jump in for two pages?可不可以让我先印两页? 大家都有过类似的经历吧?要去复印两页东西,结果排在前面的人拿了一本厚厚的书在那里狂印,天啊,看来还有二百多页,要等多久才能轮到自己啊 。这时如果你想插一下队,请他让你先印两页该怎么说?最生活化的说法就是:May I jump in for two pages? 这里用到 jump in 这个片语,意思就是"插一下队,让我先印"的意思。

“我想问一个……问题”,礼貌而又简洁的说法该怎么说?回答别人的问题,“有任何问题尽管问”又该怎么说?下面为您一一道来。 1. I want to ask you a question regarding my salary.我想要问一个关于我薪水的问题。 问別人一个问题可以简单地说I want to ask you a question. 等对方接话之后才陈述自己的问题。但是这样子问没头没脑的,不是很好。所以通常美国人在对话时会开宗明义地提出是关于什么的问题。最常见的用法就是在 question 之后接 about 或是 regarding,之后加你想问的问题。比方说:I want to ask you a question about my salary. 或是 I want to ask you a question regarding my salary. 就是我想请教你一个关于我薪水的问题。通常在公司工作一段时间后,觉得自己该加薪了,就可以和老板谈谈,详细的技巧请参看如何要求加薪 。 另外有一個小技巧分享给大家,我们要问别人问题时通常是通过打电话的方式进行,通常对方会先问你May I help you? 之后你就可以回答:Yes, I want to ask you a question about/regarding... 还有一个句型我觉得也很实用,就是直截了当地说:I'm calling about/regarding...(我打电话给您是为了……),这样是不是简洁多了呢?例如:I'm calling regarding a new product I found in your catalog.我打电话是想咨询一个你们产品目录上的新产品。I'm calling about a job opening in your company.我打电话来是咨询一下在贵公司的工作机会。 2. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.如果你有任何问题的话,请不要犹豫,立即同我联络。 类似例句的用法常见于电话交谈或是 e-mail、书信往来的最后。这是一种很客气的讲法,让对方有任何问题尽管问没关系。常见的讲法还有诸如:Please let me know if you have any questions. 或是 Please feel free to call me if you have other questions. 都是表达同样的意思。

公司里的紧张程度是人所共知的。要是恰巧你的电脑坏了,要技术来修,你肯定想知道要等多久才能修好、再开始工作。那么这个用英语该怎么说呢?答案就在下面。 1. Where did you keep the files?你的档案都放在哪里? 你把档案“放”哪里,一般情況下我们大概会说:Where did you put the files? 其实说 Where did you keep the files? 也是可以的。严格说来 put 是单纯“放”在那里,而 keep 则有“保存”的意思。不过两者其实意思很接近。比方说你喝了牛奶还剩一些,我对你说:Please put the milk in the refrigerator. (請把牛奶放在冰箱。) 或是 Please keep the milk in the refrigerator. 都行。 2. How long is it gonna be? Probably?大概要多久啊? 当我们请人家办一件事时,最不希望在那里苦等。所以呢,最好的办法就是先问一下:How long is it gonna be? (需要多久呢?)有时可以视情况在句尾加上 Probably? 就是请对方大概估算一下,不需太过精确。比方说你电脑坏了,要技术人员帮你修理,就不妨顺便问一下:How long is it gonna be? Probably?(大概需要多久?)这里 gonna 是口语讲法,相当于 going to。 像这种“大概多久”的问法,也可以用approximately 这个词。比方说:Approximately how long will it take to arrive home? (大概要多久才能到家呢?)



1. Keep control of problems 保持对问题的掌控

Let's say you need some special work done. Don't stop with getting approval. If the other person doesn't follow through, you're left looking inept1.


2. Learn to translate boss language 学会“翻译”上司的话语

"If it's not too much trouble" means, "Do it, and the sooner the better".


3. Learn what other people in the company are doing 了解公司的其他人在做什么

What were last year's big triumphs and failures? How does your job' intertwine with all this? Then you'll understand when, how and where to press for your goals.


4. Get along with your co-workers 与你的同事和睦相处

Internal battles mean less production. To your boss, if you're involved, you're automatically wrong.


5. Protect the company's reputation 保护公司的名誉

Never discuss company business and people where strangers can overhear. Even in private, be reticent2.


6. Let others win sometimes 有时候要让别人胜出

"Sounds like a good idea. We'll do it that way". If you don't, people will resent you.


7. Learn Timing3 学会选择时机

Develop the patience to wait for an appropriate occasion.


8. Don't Lie 不要撒谎

Lying will make problems worse. If you're caught in a lie, you lose your credibility.


9. Read your industry's publications 阅读本行业的书刊

Indicating you haven't the time or money to read will shock your bosses. To them, your lack of interest indicates no real career goals. Or worse, they may think that you are ignorant of important professional news.


10. Get to know your peers 了解你的同行

Be active in one or more professional/trade organizations. The contacts you make and information you glean4 aid you on a personal level whenever you change jobs, while improving your current status.


11. Never assume other people are operating from your standards 永远不要假设别人在按你的标准做事

When you find yourself thinking "I never would have expected such behavior from her", you know you've made the mistake of projecting your outlook on to others' behavior.

当你发现你自己在想“我决不会料到她会有这种行为”时,你要知道,你己经犯了一个错误, 就是把自己的想法套在了别人的行为上。

12. Use Common sense运用常识和判断力