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GaGa游迪斯尼 与邪恶皇后合影兴致高

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嘎嘎小姐在2011年发行了新专辑《Born This Way》,封面以“人肉摩托惊悚造型”示人,在封面上,嘎嘎小姐与摩托车合二为一,双臂紧握车子前轮,趴在轮子上构成摩托整体,嘎嘎小姐的头则化作车头,张牙舞爪的造型极其雷人。其实,新专辑的造型延续了嘎嘎小姐一直以来的外形路线,影迷们并不感觉奇怪。然而当嘎嘎小姐昨天去位于美国佛罗里达州的迪士尼乐园参观动画片《白雪公主》拍摄基地,并与其中的邪恶皇后(害白雪公主吃下毒苹果的卡通)合影时,影迷们惊喜地发现嘎嘎小姐也有“正常”的一面。在照片中,虽然两人手上都拿着一个毒苹果做造型,然而嘎嘎小姐在这张合影中俨然一个正常的好女人形象。

padding-bottom: 150.15%;">GaGa游迪斯尼 与邪恶皇后合影兴致高

Lady Gaga is usually the one to where the wackiest outfits. But the pop star came off comparatively normal-looking as she posed next to the Evil Queen from Disney's iconic cartoon Snow White yesterday. Dressed in full costume, the Wicked Witch made Gaga look comparatively conventional, wearing a black studded ensemble. Both posed with the famous poisoned apple in hand. Gaga stopped by the Walt Disney Magic Kingdom in Florida fresh off her sold-out show a the Amway Centre in Orlando. Of course the controversial singer is far from whiter than white herself, having landed herself in hot water with religious leaders over her new song Judas.