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网络时代,人人都活跃在社交媒体上。最近,国外有个研究,专门从的社交照片来分析性格和心理。没错就是这个看图识人测试,主要是通过你第一眼看到的事物测试你性格。先来看一眼,说说你看到什么了呢?  如果你看到的是爆炸

you may be a creative person with a strong imagination. If you do not currently work in an artistic field, it might be time for a switch. This is especially true if you find your current employment stressful.



Think back to what you enjoyed doing when you were younger. Did you like to sing or dance? Maybe you enjoyed painting? At the very least, you might want to try taking up your old passion as a hobby.

回想一下你年轻时喜欢做的事情。是喜欢唱歌还是跳舞呢? 也许你喜欢画画? 或许,你内心深处让你重拾旧兴趣。


you also have a strong imagination, but logic is at the root of all your actions. You see what is there first, but are able to imagine more. Your sharp mind and rational makes it common for others to turn to you for advice.


You can remove yourself from the most complex of situations and find an answer that works for everyone. You do not easily panic and instill calm in others when an emergency arises. This is an amazing trait that others see and admire. That is why you are often made the leader even if you think others are better for the job.



You are extremely observant. No one can hide anything from you because you notice all the little details most people miss. You know and see all.


You are also highly aware of the feelings of those around you. Because of this, you know exactly what to ask and when to ask it. You could easily use your skill in the business world to succeed financially.



You need to take a vacation. Not being able to see something in the image above means your brain is tired and unable to perform complex tasks effectively.


Have you been getting angry easily? Do you have a hard time seeing a problem from a different perspective? These are all signs that you are overworked.


给自己安排个假期吧,如果必要的话,可以说你生病了。你值得一个假期。 正所谓相由心生,从一个人的面貌,整体造型和气质就可以窥见内心。社交照片也能分成各种门派,今天就来看看社交媒体上的这5大门派代表各是什么样子! 在社交媒体上,你肯定也见过用一本正经的证件照作为头像的人吧。他们一脸严肃,穿着衬衫,出现在你的通讯录你。这类人就是我们要讨论的第一种类型:严肃派。

Conscientious people enjoy "orderliness, planned behaviour and self-discipline".These traits are represented in their profile pictures through positive emotion probably because the shots will always be perfected framed, and not one hair will be out of place.

Conscientious social media users are more likely to appear older than their years in profile pictures, and will use techniques such as wearing glasses or smarter clothes to achieve this.


这类认真型人格照片看起来比真实年纪要大,他们会带眼镜来达到这效果。 严肃派时刻绷着,大部分时候很难和他们打成一片。而下面这种“爱玩派”可能是大部分的写照,比如你我。
Open to experience (爱玩派

This category of profile picture-takers are those who enjoy tackling new, exciting experiences and aren't afraid to pose in a kooky or odd way.Most likely to pose with an object, be it a guitar or a snowboard or a bonsai tree, those who fall into this group take the best pictures.

Glasses are a common feature of these profile pictures, and the face often appears large within the frame.


他们的社交图片往往带眼镜,而且脸蛋在图框中看起来很大。 爱玩派在职场上敢于尝试新鲜事物,往往头脑灵活,工作中思想火花不断,如果你碰到爱玩派,绝对会让你的世界变得有趣。 而下面这类,就没有这么阳光了,他们就是前几年所说的忧郁小生,也就是神经派。
Neurotic (神经派

Neurotic people have trouble holding back their negative emotions.As a result, those in this category are the most likely to set an image of something other than their face as a profile picture – be it a car, a building or a pet.

Those neurotics who do take the plunge and post a picture of their own face will likely look bland and neutral in the resulting image.Associated with experiencing negative emotions and emotional instability, neurotics "display simple, uncolourful images with negative color emotions."Not only this, but they're far more likely to obscure their faces with reading glasses, or use an inanimate object, or an animal.


而即使他们大胆上传自己脸部照片,也会面部苍白,看不出情绪。这类人由于精神比较负面,情绪不稳定,他们的社交图片会“简单,色调冷淡,不透露情感”。不仅如此,他们可能还会带眼镜,或用静物,动物遮住脸。 忧郁派,美则美矣,但如果在职场中碰到这样的同事,职场气氛不知会如何…… 小编还是喜欢下面这种乐天派。 Agreeable(乐天派

As the name suggests, these users are the most likely to be cheerful, get along with others and smile.The profile pictures of agreeable people are one of the most likely to be colourful (along with extroverts) - and will feature the subject laughing, playing with others or smiling broadly.

The image itself will likely be poor quality, badly framed and with a low, blurry resolution - but this group is simply having too much fun to spend time focusing the camera.


但他们的图像本身可能质量差些,构图不是很理想,分辨率比较低,但是他们就是一心找乐子,顾不上折腾相机的人啦。 以上这些可能都不会在你的社交媒体上小打小闹下,真正霸屏的还要属下面这派。
Extrovert (撒欢派

Extroverts, although smiling and gloating in their snaps, take the worst quality pictures, however.Extroverts' images do not have any correlation with the colour attributes that make a photo aesthetically pleasing (contrast, saturation, lack of blur).

These people also tend to pose with young people, or adopt other techniques to make themselves appear younger than they are.


外向型人格喜欢和年轻人一起拍照,或采取技术性手段让自己看起来比实际年龄年轻。 由此看来社交媒体图片真是大有研究学问。