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padding-bottom: 100%;">如何用高情商的方式请求别人帮忙,还能赚得好人缘?
商务交流,总体来说风格是比较冷静的。在商言商,就事论事,看多了,不免有些干涩、麻木。如何用一些神句修饰邮件,让别人看完如沐春风,即使是赴汤蹈火的难事,也愿意帮忙呢? 今天商英君就来谈谈之前实习、工作中遇到的那些神句,说不定下次你也可以用一用,立刻让你拥有好人缘,风度翩翩! 1. 来了mission impossible, 如何客气地麻烦别人? I am /was just wondering if it is/was possible for you to do...?可不可以麻烦您…… 一般用上这句话,你有什么请求,别人一般都不好意思拒绝的,因为这话说的太委婉了,全程商量语气,客气中有礼节,礼节中有要求,可以说是麻烦别人帮忙的万能句型。 实用例句: Hello, Frank! We have just got the message from the headquarter that our competitor will have a big move in the next week. We are just wondering if it is possible for you to finish the program two days before the deadline so that we will gain an edge over our competitor in the market.  哈啰,Frank!最近公司总部传来消息,我们竞争对手近期要有大动作了。不知道你能不能赶一赶工,在截止日期前两天把那个项目加急做好?这样我们就能比竞争对手在市场上有优势啦。
2. 搞不定事情,如何客气询问别人意见?1)  Would you please give us your preliminary thoughts about...?能不能给我们谈谈关于……您这边的初步设想?Eg:  James, please give us your preliminary thoughts about the promotion plan? We are clueless about customers' pain points.James,关于推广方案你能不能说说看你的初步想法啊?我们实在是抓不到客户的痛点。 2) Can we get your input/insight on...?能和我们说说关于……你的高见吗?Eg: Adele, can we get your input on the album design? We want it to be a eye-catcher. Adele,关于这张唱片的设计,能不能谈谈看你的想法呢?我们想把这张唱片打造成热卖唱片。 3.如何有风度地催促别人?1) I am just writing to remind you of...提醒您,该做…… 这个句法高明啊,不用urge, push这样的字眼,只是来好心提醒你要做事情,全程站在对方角度,让人感觉是替别人着想的感觉。 Eg: Jessie, I am just writing to remind you of the contract. Hope you can finish it before the deadline otherwise legal department will be bothering you from time to time.Jessie,我想提醒你哦,合同最好要在截止日期前拟写好,要不然法务部会不时来麻烦你的。 2)I hope you have had a hand in doing...希望你已经着手做…… 这个句型也还蛮新颖的,并没有烂大街。have a hand in doing sht意思是take part in doing sth,做了……事情。这句话用虚拟语气去催别人做事情,也是蛮用心的。 Eg:  Ellen, I hope you have had a hand in looking over the materials we sent. I want to further discuss it with you next Monday.Ellen,希望你已经看了我们发给你的材料啦。我想周一和你再详细谈谈。 3)I would appreciate it if you could...如……将不胜感激 这个句型有点烂大街了,但是还是很有用的,也是很客气的说法。 Eg:  Clair, I would appreciate it if you could revise the agreement as soon as possible.Clair,如果你能尽快把协议改好,将不胜感激。 4)Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. 如果您能紧急处理这个事宜,我们将非常感激。 这个陈述句,也是不错的,一般说完要求,加上这个话,别人也不太好意拒绝你的要求哒。 4.客套句型叠加,让别人拒绝都难以开口!1)Due to circumstances beyond our control, I would appreciate your understanding that…因为不可控制的原因,希望您能谅解…… 如果实在是给对方造成了一定困扰,原因又比较尴尬,需要适当甩锅,可以用这个句型给对方道歉,得到对方原谅。 Eg:  Dear Richard, due to circumstances beyond our control, I would appreciate your understanding that our shippment has been delayed by the bad weather. Richard,因为不可控的因素,希望您能谅解,我们发货因为天气原因有点耽误了。 2)Due to the short timeframe for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated.由于提议时间匆促,如果您能尽快回答将不胜感激! 这个句型也是同样的道理啦。 怎么样,希望今天的几个句型和短语对大家有帮助,下一次写邮件时候用上,让你职场情商像火箭一样直升,在职场行走更加游刃有余。