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Online publishers who knowingly link to illegally uploaded content are liable for copyright infringement, according to a European Court of Justice ruling that could have broad consequences for digital media.

根据欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)一项裁决,有意链接非法上传内容的网络出版商,须承担侵害版权的法律责任。这一裁决可能会对数字化媒体产生广泛影响。

The ruling, which marks the culmination of a five-year legal fight involving a Dutch blog, Playboy magazine and celebrity nude pictures, draws new lines around what has been a highly contested area of online copyright law.


Until now, Europe’s top court has tolerated the widespread practice of providing weblinks to unauthorised online content — whether films, pictures, video or text — concluding that this did not generally amount to a breach of copyright.


Instead, the website that hosted the underlying content was liable.


But on Thursday the ECJ decided that linking to such material did infringe copyright unless it was done without the pursuit of financial gain by a person who did not know or could not reasonably have known the illegal nature of the publication.


The ruling means that professional publishers must now take steps to ensure that any links to copyright content have been lawfully uploaded.


Profit-making websites can be expected to take necessary checks to ensure that the work concerned is not illegally published, according to the judgment.


Search engines such as Google already remove search results that link to websites that host pirated material once informed by rights holders.


After Thursday’s ruling, they could be forced to go further by taking down search results featuring publishers that merely link to other websites hosting unlicensed content, according to some copyright lawyers.


The case began in 2011 when Geen Stijl, an anarchic Dutch blog and one of the most popular websites in the Netherlands, linked to illegally uploaded naked photos of a Dutch celebrity in Playboy.

该案始于2011年,Geen Stijl网站发布了指向非法上传内容的链接,这些非法上传的内容是一位荷兰名人在《花花公子》上的裸照。Geen Stijl是荷兰一个无政府主义博客,也是荷兰人气最高的网站之一。

The pictures were hosted on file sharing website Filefactory, to which the blog linked.


Playboy publisher Sanoma demanded that Geen Stijl remove the link to the photos, but the Dutch website refused.

《花花公子》出版商Sanoma要求Geen Stijl撤下指向这些照片的链接,却遭到这家荷兰网站的拒绝。

In fact, the blog went further and repeatedly uploaded other links to the pictures, with titles such as: Update: Not yet seen the nude pics . . .? They are HERE, and Bye Bye Wave Wave Playboy.


Brussels is on the cusp of launching a controversial overhaul of its copyright rules, in which rights holders stand to gain more power.


Under the plans, news publishers will be given more rights over their content in a move that would force the likes of Google to agree terms before showing snippets of news content.


Critics warned that the ruling — combined with the proposed reforms — could have a chilling effect online.


Jakob Kucharczyk, director of CCIA Europe, which represents the technology industry, said: This case shows that the freedom to hyperlink is under attack.

代表高科技产业的计算机与通信行业协会欧洲分会(CCIA Europe)主席雅各布•库哈尔奇克(Jakob Kucharczyk)表示:该案表明,超链接自由正遭受攻击。

Following the verdict, a post on Geen Stijl warned: Careful hyperlinking, people — today there is a minefield on the free internet.

该判决发布后,Geen Stijl网站上一个网帖警告称:伙计们,小心超链接——如今,自由的互联网上存在着地雷阵。

The decision will be welcomed by rights holders, according to Josephine Curry, associate in Taylor Wessing, as it offers some protection against commercial websites.

按照泰乐信律师事务所(Taylor Wessing)律师约瑟菲娜•库里(Josephine Curry)的说法,该裁决将受到版权持有者的欢迎,因为它针对商业网站提供了一定程度的保护。