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padding-bottom: 133.33%;">allow與permit區別辨析

  1. 兩者均可後接動名詞作賓語,但不能用不定式。如:

The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 這個俱樂部規定不準吸菸。

They shouldn’t allow parking here; the street is too narrow. 這兒不該允許停車,馬路太窄了。


正:We don’t allow swimming in the pool.

誤:We don’t allow to swim in the pool.


We don’t allow [permit] students to eat in the classrooms. 我們不允許學生在教室吃飯。

  2. 兩者均可後接雙賓語。如:

We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each. 我們允許每個乘客帶一件手提行李。

As it was such a special occasion, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne. 由於那是一個很特別的場合,所以她。

  3. 兩者均不能後接that引導的賓語從句。如:


誤:We don’t allow [permit] that people smoke in the lecture room.

正:We don’t allow [permit] people to smoke in the lecture room.

  4. allow與allow的幾點區別:

(1) permit 通常指上級、規則或法令等表示的准許,其語氣較重;而allow 通常指消極地不加反對,有時含有聽任或默許之意,語氣較輕:The nurse allowed him to remain there,though it was not permitted. 護士讓他留在那兒,而按規定那是不許可的。

(2) permit可用於帶形式主語it的被動結構,但allow不行。如:

It is not permitted to smoke in the kitchen. 廚房內不準吸菸。

(3) allow可與狀語小品詞連用,但permit不行。如:

She wouldn’t allow me in. 她不讓我進去。