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元旦 New Year's Day

春節 the Spring Festival

除夕 Chinese New Year's Eve

陽曆 solar calendar

陰曆 lunar calendar

閏年 leap year

春節聯歡晚會 Spring Festival Gala

元宵節 the Lantern Festival

寒食節 Cold Food Festival

清明節 Tomb Sweeping Day

國青年節 Chinese Youth Day

端午節 Dragon Boat Festival

七夕/乞巧節 Double Seventh Festival

中元節/鬼節 Ghost Festival

建軍節 Army Day

教師節 Teachers'Day

中秋節 Mid-autumn Festival

國慶節 National Day

重陽節 Double Ninth Festival

臘八節 the Laba Festival

四大發明 the Four Great Inventions

造紙術 paper-making

火藥 gunpowder

指南針/羅盤 compass

印刷術 printing

孔子 Confucius

孟子 Mencius

思想學派 school of thought

思想核心 the core of ideology

代表人物 representative

和尚、僧人 monk

寺廟 temple

琴棋書畫 guqin, game of go, calligraphy and painting

樂器 musical instrument

中國象棋 Chinese chess

圍棋 Chinese Go

對弈 play chess

中國書法 Chinese calligraphy

文房四寶 the four treasures of the study

毛筆 brush pen

墨 ink stick

硯臺 inkstone

紙 paper

四大名著 the four masterpieces

《西遊記》Journey to the West; The Monkey King

《紅樓夢》Dream of the Red Chamber; A Dream of Red Mansions

《三國演義》Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《水滸傳》Water Margin; Outlaws of the Mash

唐詩宋詞 Tang and Song poetry; poetry of the Tang and Song dynasties

元曲 Yuan opera

明小說 Ming novel

漢字 Chinese character

筆劃 stroke

普通話四聲調 the four tones of Mandarin Chinese

孔子廟 Confucius Temple

黃河 the Yellow River

長江 the Yangtze River

長城 the Great Wall

故宮 the Imperial Palace; the Forbidden City

故宮博物院 The Palace Museum

衚衕 hutong

文武雙全 be excellent both in the arts of pen and sword

孫子兵法 Sun Zi's Art of War; Master Sun's Art of War

科舉制 imperial examination system

狀元 the top scholar; champion

武術 Chinese martial arts

太極拳 Tai Chi

古玩 antique

算盤 abacus

三百六十行 all walks of life; all kinds of jobs

鐵飯碗 iron bowl

尊老愛幼 respect the old and love the young

禮物饋贈 present-giving

和親 marriage of state; peace-making marriage

門當戶對 perfect match

中國傳統服飾 traditional Chinese costume

十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac

民間故事 folk tale

寓言 fable

傳說 legend

凡間 human world

重要文化遺產 major cultural heritage

國寶 national treasure

文物 cultural relics

才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

高雅藝術 refined/high art

風俗習慣 custom

禁忌 taboo

傳統美德 traditional virtues

尊敬老人 respect the elderly

贍養父母 support/ take care of parents
