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Useful Sentences

padding-bottom: 60.78%;">【職場英語行話連篇】學會如何求助於人

Bill, could you help me move this table?


If you could help me with the presentation, I'd be grateful.


It would be a big help if you could arrange the meeting.


Situational Dialogue

Yang: Oh, Diane, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the presentation I'm giving next week at Radco Electronics. How's your schedule today?

Yang: Diane,我下個星期在Radco Electronics有一場演講,假如你能幫我一個忙,我會很感激的。你今天的時間是怎樣安排得?

Diane: Well, it's pretty busy this morning, but I'll have some time between two and three. Would that be okay?

Diane: 哦,今天上午相當忙,但是我在下午2點到3點之間有空。那個時間可以嗎?

Yang: Yes, that'd be great – thanks. I'm going to talk about the marketing strategy for the new EBP, and I think you have an excellent grasp of the subject.

Yang: 可以,那太棒了——謝謝你。我要講的是有關新型EBP的市場策略,而我認爲你對這個主題非常瞭解。

Diane: Thank you. Oh, by the way, how was the response last week at Intertech?

Diane: 謝謝您。對了,順便問一下,上個星期在Intertech的反應如何?

Yang: Well, there seemed to be a lot of interest in the EBP, but I don't know if they're ready to put in an order yet. Intertech tends to be pretty cautious.

Yang: 嗯,對EBP好像很有興趣,可是不知是否有要訂貨的意思。Intertech是相當慎重的。

Diane: Yes, that's true, but I'm sure you'll win them over, Mr. Yang.

Diane: 對,確實是那樣……但是我相信您會爭取到的,楊先生。

*to put in an order 向……寄出訂單,其他表達方式還有:to order from, to give an order for, to place an order with, to pass an order 等。