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Favorite drama

You should say:

What is the name of the TV drama?

What type of TV drama is it?

What message did it convey?

My favorite drama is Prison Break. I watched this drama 3 years ago. The drama has 4 seasons and all of them are quite gripping. The drama is about 2 brothers who break the prison in order to prove their innocence. All the characters in the drama are very good and I can definitely say that people who watch one episode will not be able to leave the seat unless they watch the entire season which quite exciting.


This drama is an action thriller. I know that you might heard of these types of dramas a lot so I wish I could come with another word which could clearly distinguish from this ordinary word. I live in a conservative society where children are not allowed to watch movies or dramas with parental guide and even if they are allowed the dramas should not expose the children to adult content. This drama does not contain any vulgar content, yet it is very interesting.


The message which the drama conveyed is that a person has to be strong in his or her life because a person does not know what might happen in his or her life. The drama showed that even when one brother was living a good life, he still sacrificed his life just in order to give a better life for his brother. The drama showed no matter how difficult the circumstances are, a person should never leave his or her loved ones in the time of need.




Describe your favorite tv drama.

You should say :

What it is ?

Who the actor(s) / actress(es) is(are) ?

What it is about ?

How you feel about it ?


1.I'd like to talk about 'The First Half Days Of My Life' which is a very hot TV drama st all my friends are watching y bit of the story is a good topic to have while having dinner with your female t me,I've tried it,they'd love to share their insights about it.

leading actress is Ma Yi Li,a decorated TV star,who had key roles in a number of TV has a great influence in china with millions of followers on her des her successful career,she has a happy r photos are often seen on fashion magazines.

ay,let's go back to the 's about a heart broken woman working hard to change her used to be a happy housewife,who has a successful husband and a beautiful 's good,until another woman appears in their r divorce,she leaves with a broken ver,rather than give up on her life,she decids to start it all over again.

ough,there's nothing new,a cheating husband and a good ex-wife always make a good seems like most people like days,divorce rate remaining high and rich men having love affairs are nothing new to still we love those TV you can't find a way to start a conversation with your female friends,why not start with this one'Have you watched the first days of your life.'I bet you will have a long,interesting talk with her.


英語日常交流中,經常有人會問我們:Do you think it’s useful to plan your time? 這時我們腦中可能會想:計劃當然很重要。但是,世事變化無常,有時我們得改變計劃,臨時做決定。腦中想着,英語表達便隨之而出:Yes, I think it’s useful to plan our time. But sometimes things change, so we have to change our plan and make a decision temporarily.

這樣說在語法上並沒有錯,但卻很不地道。“臨時做決定”的地道表達爲:play by ear。Play是玩的意思,可是play by ear的意思並不是"玩耳朵"。這個詞彙的來源和音樂有關係,它原來指的是那些會彈鋼琴或某種樂器,但是卻不會看五線譜的人。每當他們要彈奏某個曲調時,他們只能憑着上一次聽到的記憶來彈。可是play by ear現在已經成爲日常用語了,意思是做一件事不是事先有計劃的,而是走着瞧,臨時決定。例如,你被請到某處去做演講,可是又沒有時間準備,你就可以對聽衆說:I haven't had a chance to prepare any notes so all I can do is start talking and play it by ear. 這句話的意思就是:我今天沒有什麼準備,所以就只好講到哪兒算哪兒了。所以我們可以把回答改爲:Yes, I think it’s useful to plan our time. But sometimes things change, so we have to change our plan and play it by ear.




我們的答案要長,就要在答案裏包括豐富的信息。簡單舉例,考官問“Are you working or studying?”好印象的回答必定長於“I'm studying/working。”。長答案不僅顯出咱們的語言能力,也表達出我們願意提供信息的積極態度,同時更彰顯出我們的自信——只有英語好才能用英語“誇誇其談”不是?所以,回答問題一定要長。

剛纔那道必考題的回答可以參考 a。)“I'm studying, in a very beautiful school which is famous for its excellent ciriculum for accounting majors。”b。)“I'm a senior high of one of top 5 high schools in SH/BJ/GZ, but my heavy workload really puts me under quite much pressure。”或者 a。)“I work as a clerk in the largest private bank in my country。” b。)“I'm a secrectory for a large joint venture. The company is really good, but my routine bords me somehow。”請注意回答的內容褒貶皆可,只要用詞造句到位,第一時間內就可以讓考官眼前一亮!這需要學生在雅思口語練習中進行優秀語句的練習和創造,並通過其他的複習資料進行補充,提升自己。




數量必須有限。坊間曾有一個說法流傳,說明顯的長停頓超過5個的話,其它方面再好,最高也只能拿到6分。由於是坊間流傳,依據和真實性自然無法考證,但還好有雅思最基本的一條原則可以參考——只要不影響交流。所以,這裏和大家分享一條我和我的學生一直介紹的方法,以供參考。將自己的答案錄下來,或者講給朋友同學同伴聽,看看停頓有沒有明顯stand out,聽完之後回想一下剛剛聽到的答案中“呃呃哎哎”的停頓或是“悄無聲息”的沉默是不是印象最深的,如果是的話,說明咱們的停頓將會嚴重拉低分數,否則的話,數量還不成問題。   方式必須自然。但這“自然”是讓考官聽起來舒服的自然,而非我們說起來的自然。能讓考官耳朵覺得自然的停頓不會引起考官耳朵的不快,自然也就不會導致考官提筆記下停頓的出沒,也就減少了它們影響我們分數的可能。因此,即使咱們實在無法減少停頓,我們也可以通過“自然停頓”的方式有效地控制停頓的影響力。一些常見的自然停頓:well, so, you know, it's like.。.呵呵,不得不指出的是,這些自然停頓確實需要大量練習才能真正練到自然的哦!
