
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1305期:Do you think animals should be held in captivity? 你認爲動物應該圈養嗎?

美語情景對話 第1305期:Do you think animals should be held in captivity? 你認爲動物應該圈養嗎?

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 1.05W 次

Chris: Hi, my name is Chris. I am from the United States.


Phoebe: Hi, my name is Phoebe and I'm from China.


Chris: Our question is do you think animals should be held in captivity? It probably depends on several things. I'm sure house pets like cats and dogs maybe they would like to go out sometimes but they have a nice comfortable life inside the house, safe away from harm, things like that so it's a trade off. I think in cases like that it's totally fine. Also if it's for research to benefit humans then I think it's for a good cause but then there's other cases where I think it's totally inappropriate especially when they're confined to a very small, small area where they can't move or anything like that. Do you agree with that?


Phoebe: Yes, I agree with that but I think for a wild animal like a big animal like a lion, tiger, elephant, I think they should put it in a wild place so they can move freely, they can do whatever they want to do. I think an animal is just like a human. They don't want to be put in a cage, be controled by humans.


Chris: What about small pets like house pets?


Phoebe: Of course, they can walk around everywhere at a house if they want. I have a cat. I allow my cat to go everywhere she wants.


Chris: Can she go outside?


Phoebe: No, not outside because I think it's dangerous for her. My cat was de-clawed though so she can't even defend herself so that's for her own good.


Chris: I see.


padding-bottom: 58.53%;">美語情景對話 第1305期:Do you think animals should be held in captivity? 你認爲動物應該圈養嗎?


1. depend on 取決(於);有賴(於);
例句:Be aware that the length of time needed to complete the tests will depend on the size of your databases.
2. go out 外出交際;外出娛樂;
例句:I don't go out whenever it rains.
3. be confined to 受限制的;被限定的;
例句:I was confined to my house by a bad cold.
4. agree with 同意;贊成;意見一致;
例句:I quite agree with everything he said just now.



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