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1. 標題與主題思想題


2. 推理判斷題


3. 事實與細節題

正確理解字面意義和結構是必需的。這類題答案一般都能從原文中找到,閱讀時對主要事實或細節做上標記,陳述事實或細節時有一定的語言標記。如:表因果關係的詞because, as, since, so, therefore, hence, as a result, in that; 表示轉折關係的詞but, yet, whereas, while, however, on the contrary, that is to say; 還有一些標點符號(破折號、冒號、分號等)。

例1 The whole family uses the bathroom─most often without taking care. How safe is your bathroom? If any of the following is true of yours, do something about it as soon as possible before tragedy strikes.

lVery hot water

The water in your tap should not be hotter than 55-60 degrees Centigrade. If it is, it can easily burn those who inadvertently land under it in the shower, having forgotten to open the cold tap as well. In any case, it’s expensive to keep the boiler close to boiling point all the time.

lGas leaks

Gas leaks are dangerous─whether in bathrooms or kitchens. If you smell gas, switch off everything and get out of the house as soon as possible─even if you only have a towel around your body.

lSlippery floor

Imagine being in plaster of Paris for six weeks after breaking a leg slipping on a wet bathroom floor. Invest in a wooden or rubber bathroom mat or a non-slip bathroom floor. It is also an idea, especially if you have elderly relatives living with you, to have a non-slip rubber mat in the bath.

lDirty towels

Towels need to be washed regularly, as they are wonderful breeding grounds for bacteria. Infections can be passed on from one family member to another, if they use the same towel.

lAny electrical connections

There should be no electrical connections or extension wires in the bathroom. Any contact between a live electrical connection and water can result in death. This is the reason why electric shavers have special connections. Be careful of electrical extension cords linked to washing machines or dryers.

1. Plaster of Paris may be .

A. used to treat the broken bones

B. a kind of medicine to treat diseases

C. hidden in the broken legs or arms

D. a place in Paris which is very dangerous

2. If a person smells the thick gas around when taking a bath, he should .

A. turn on the electric fan to blow the gas out

B. find out the leaking point and get it fixed

C. put on clothes and come out to call for help

D. leave the bath full of gas very quickly

3. From the passage, we can infer that .

A. old people may easily slip on a wet floor

B. rubber can clean wet bathrooms floor easily

C. a towel may protect you from breathing in gas

D. bacteria in towels come from the ground of bathroom

4. In a bathroom, we’d better not .

A. equip electric wires

B. use electric equipment

C. hang our washing towels

D. keep the floor wet all over

5. The best title of this passage may be .

A. Never Use Extension Wires

B. How to Take a Bath Correctly

C. Don’t Make Your Bathroom a Death Trap

D. How to Keep Away From Family Accidents

解析 1. A。猜測詞義題。根據第四段Imagine being in plaster of Paris for six weeks after breaking a leg slipping on a wet bathroom floor. 可知:在潮溼的浴室地板是滑一跤摔折了腿之後包在這個東西里面要六個星期,應該就是熟石膏,是用來治療骨折用的。故選A。

2. D。細節事實理解題。根據第三段中的... get out of the house as soon as possible ...可知答案。

3. A。推理判斷題。由第四段中的It is also an idea, especially if you have elderly relatives living with you, to have a non-slip rubber mat in the bath.可知上了年紀的人更容易滑倒。

4. B。事實細節理解題。根據最後一段中的 contact between a live electrical connection and water can result in death. 可知答案。

5. C。主旨大意題。本文一開始就告誡大家要注意防範事故悲劇的發生,接着向大家介紹浴室中要注意的幾個事項,並提到可能會導致死亡,故選C項。“不要讓你的浴室成爲死亡陷阱”,以示警告。其他幾項都是片面的。








例2 The researchers of Utah University studied 150 married couples and found that heart disease in women was linked to either hostile (敵意的) partner, but in men it was linked to either showing controlling behaviour, reported the online edition of BBC News.

The researchers studied the couples without arterial (動脈的) disease, with at least one partner in their sixties, who were all paid to participate in the study.

Each couple was asked to pick a topic, such as money, in-laws, children, vacations and household matters.

They were then videoed while they discussed the topic, watched by psychology students. It was thought such discussions were less than what happened at home because the couples were being watched. The comments were classed as friendly or hostile. For example, comments such as “you can be so stupid sometimes” or “you’re too negative all the time” were coded as hostile. Participants were also given a scan to check for signs of disease. When the results were analysed, it was found that the wives who made the most hostile comments during the discussion had a greater degree of calcification (鈣化) building up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart.

Particularly high levels of calcification were found in women who behaved in a hostile and unfriendly way, the researchers found.

However, husbands who displayed more controlling behaviour, or whose wives displayed such behaviour, were more likely than other men to have more serious arterial hardening.

Some couples who were most hostile were referred to marriage guidance by the researchers.

None of the people with high calcification were classed as a medical emergency, but some had scores which were high enough for them to be advised to talk to their doctor.

1. How was the study carried out?

A. By answering questions

B. By watching life videos

C. Through a one-day real life

D. By recording the couple’s talk

2. The researchers chose money, in-laws, children, vacations and household matters as the couples’ discussion topics probably because .

A. they were very easy for couples to say something about

B. they might easily cause disagreements in their marriage

C. these were all the matters of daily life in their marriage

D. these could cause arterial disease during their daily life

3. The researchers suggested some couples see their doctors because they .

A. had too high marks in the tests

B. might have an arterial problem

C. were too negative and stupid

D. showed controlling behavior

4. According to the research, the more hostile couples are, .

A. the less soft their character will become

B. the more damage their heart will receive

C. the less clever they will both become

D. the more negative they will become

5. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To stop bad fights between couples

B. To explain the cause of heart disease

C. To answer some questions from couples

D. To educate people about good manners

解析 1. D。細節事實理解題。由第四段中的They were then videoed while they discussed the topic, watched by psychology students. 可知,這個研究是將夫妻的談話錄製下來然後進行分析來進行的。

2. B。推理判斷題。這些都是婚姻生活中的最易引起分歧的話題,通過這些話題研究者可以更容易看出某些夫妻引發的敵意談話,這樣就可以更好地開展實驗。

3. B。邏輯推理題。由最後一段可推知:沒人被劃爲醫療急救對象,但一些人得分過高,說明其可能患上動脈疾病,還是需要進行醫療、要去看醫生的。而A項說的只是表面現象,不能直接解釋這一原因。選B項。

4. B。推理判斷題。由文章可知這種病的成因:敵意的爭吵→動脈高鈣化→心臟損傷嚴重。故選B項。

5. A。目的意圖題。作者通過對這個研究的闡述,讓我們認識到夫妻爭吵能導致心臟疾病這一嚴重的後果,以告誡人們不要進行敵意的爭吵。