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1. Babble ∶v. 含糊不清地說胡言亂語地說 The babies babbled as they played.嬰孩們一邊玩一邊咿咿呀呀地學說話。

2.Baffle ∶v. 使困惑,使難倒,使受挫

The question baffled me completely and I couldn't answer it.這個問題把我徹底難倒了,我答不出來。

3.Baleful∶a. 兇惡的,有害的 The robber gave me a baleful look.那強盜用威脅的眼光看着我。 4. Balk ∶v. 猶豫不決,舉棋不定

I wanted to buy the dress,,but I balked at the high price.我本想買這件連衣裙 ,但一看價錢太高就猶豫了。


The children badgered me into taking them to the cinema.孩子們吵着要我帶他們去看電影。

6. Ballast∶ n.壓載物,壓艙物v. 給……裝壓艙物

7.Ballistics∶n.(有關槍炮發射的)彈道學 8.Balm ∶ n.護膚膏;香膏 Lip balm 潤脣膏

9.Balustrade ∶ n. 欄杆,扶欄

She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs.她俯身在陽臺欄杆上對樓下的人們喊着。

10.Banal ∶陳舊的;平庸的;乏味的

Making banal remarks was one of his bad habits.他的壞習慣之一就是喜歡說些陳詞濫調。


1.Cabaret∶n. (餐廳、夜總會等的) 歌舞表演

That nightclub has a good reputation for its cabaret.那家夜總會的歌舞表演十分有名。

2.Cache∶n.藏物處;(電腦)快速緩衝貯存區 v.藏匿,貯藏,躲藏 Police discovered a cache of weapons in the room.警方在房間裏發現 了一批隱藏的武器。


4.Cajole ∶ v. 以甜言蜜語)哄騙 ,誘騙

The little girl cajoled her father into buying her a new dress.這小姑娘哄得她爸爸給她買了一件新衣服。

5.Calamity∶ n.災難,極不幸的事件

If we had been careful such a calamity would not have befallen us.假如我們謹慎的話,這種災難不會降臨到我們的頭上。

6.Calligraphy ∶n.書法(藝術)

7.Callous ∶a.無同情心的,硬心腸的,冷漠的 His cruel and callous comments made me shiver.他殘酷無情的批評令我膽寒。

He is callous about the safety of his workers.他對他工人的安全毫不關心。

8.Callow ∶a.年幼的,未成熟的,無經驗的

9.Cameo ∶ n.1.刻有浮雕的寶石;2.文藝或戲劇)小品

10.Camouflage∶n.僞裝,保護色,掩飾;v.用僞裝遮掩(某人或某事物) The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage.北極熊身上的白色的濃密軟毛是一種天然的僞裝。

He tried to camouflage his real intentions by talking about friendship and so on.他大談友誼之類的話 ,以此來掩飾他真實的意圖。


1.Dab∶ v. 輕觸,輕撲、

dab one 's cheek with powder [ a powder puff]用粉【 粉撲】輕撲面頰

dab one's eyes with a handkerchief用手帕輕擦眼睛

2.Daft∶傻的,愚蠢的 What a daft thing to say !怎麼說這樣的傻話!

3.Dainty∶a.嬌美的,晴朗的;秀麗的,精緻的n.美味的食物;珍品 The little girl wore a dainty dress.小姑娘穿着一件漂亮的連衣裙。



The rain hardly dampened the ground.這場雨連地面也沒有打溼。

don 't dampen your anger,please release it !別壓抑你的憤怒,請釋放出來吧 !

6.Damsel ∶ 未婚少女

7.Dandy∶1.過分主意衣着和外表的男人,花花公子;2.極好的,優秀的 This guy is a dandy,just keep him away from you.這人是個花花公子,離他遠點。

8.Dangle ∶v.(使)懸蕩,(使)懸垂 Huge earringsdangled from her ears.她耳朵上掛着一對大耳環。


The prison was cold and dank.監獄裏又冷又溼。

10.Dappled ∶ 有斑點的,斑駁的

The dappled horsenow began to go ahead.花斑馬開始了。


1.eavesdrop ∶ v.偷聽(私人談話) You should not eavesdrop our talking.你不應該偷聽我們說話

2.eccentricity ∶ n.古怪,怪癖 My wife has many eccentricities.我老婆有很多怪癖。

3.eclectic∶a.折中的,兼收幷蓄的,綜合的 4.ecstasy∶ n.狂喜,入迷

She was in a trancelike state of religious ecstasy.她的宗教狂熱已使她處於恍惚狀態之中。 5. eCzema∶溼疹

6.eddy∶ n.漩渦 ,渦流 v. 旋轉,迴旋 The hurricane is eddying toward us.龍捲風正向我們旋轉而來。


She's been a bit edgy lately,waiting for the exam results.她正在等待考試結果 ,所以最近有些焦躁不安。

8.edict∶ n. 法令公告

9.edifice ∶ n. 宏偉的建築物 10.eerie∶a.怪異可怕的
