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TPP擬打擊中國網絡盜竊行爲 Trade deal takes aim at Chinese hacking

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TPP擬打擊中國網絡盜竊行爲 Trade deal takes aim at Chinese hacking

Pacific Rim countries will be required to criminalise hacking attacks on companies under a regional trade pact that shows Washington’s determination to clamp down on Chinese cyber theft and ban new forms of digital protectionism.


The US, Japan and 10 other economies last month concluded five years of negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, covering roughly 40 per cent of the global economy. Although the pact does not include China, US officials from President Barack Obama down are selling the TPP as a crucial component in Washington’s efforts to write the rules of the global economy before Beijing can.

美國、日本以及另外10個經濟體上月完成了歷時五年的《跨太平洋夥伴關係協定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,簡稱TPP)的談判,協定涵蓋全球經濟的大約40%。雖然該協定並不包括中國,但美國各級官員——從巴拉克攠巴馬(Barack Obama)總統起——都把TPP說成是華盛頓方面力求搶在中國之前確立全球經濟規則的努力的關鍵部分。

The deal will reduce trade barriers on everything from beef and dairy products to textiles, with new standards for environmental protection, investment disputes and the behaviour of state-owned enterprises.


The TPP agreement — details of which will be released as soon as today — will also include new rules governing the free flow of data, privacy and cyber security, showing how the US intends to use a trade deal to set benchmarks that it hopes will become global standards.


The growing number of cyber attacks on US companies blamed on Chinese hackers looking to steal commercial secrets has become a big point of friction between the world’s two biggest economies. Washington has threatened to level financial sanctions against Chinese companies linked to such attacks.


In an interview with the Financial Times, Mike Froman, the US trade tsar, said the TPP’s new digital rules were not only aimed at China, which is years away from joining the pact.

美國貿易代表邁克弗羅曼(Mike Froman)在接受英國《金融時報》記者採訪時表示,TPP新的數字規則不僅針對中國。中國如果要加入這項協定還將是很多年以後的事情。

“The area of localisation [laws for data], forced technology transfer [and] forced [intellectual property] transfer is an issue that has been a central concern in our relationship with China,” he said. “But it is not limited to China. We’ve always said that TPP is not directed against any country but it is directed at defining high standard rules for the road in the region.”


Assuming it is ratified by the US Congress and other legislatures, the TPP would require its member countries to pass laws that make stealing trade secrets a crime. Crucially, it requires those laws to also specify theft by and from “computer systems”.


The TPP also requires countries to allow the unhindered flow of data across borders for most industries — bar financial services — and bans a swath of practices used by China and other countries to protect local technology companies. These include requirements for businesses to house servers and data locally, for businesses to share proprietary source code in order to secure contracts or gain access to markets, and rules mandating the use of special local encryption algorithms that could allow governments a back door into electronic devices such as smartphones.


Mr Froman said the TPP would “push back at digital protectionism that we see popping up all over the world”.



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