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電影《勇敢的心》經典臺詞The Classic Lines of "Braveheart"

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padding-bottom: 135.6%;">電影《勇敢的心》經典臺詞The Classic Lines of

1.“Fight,and you may ,and you''ll live at least a dying in your beds many years from d you be willing to trade?All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they''ll never take our Freedom!Freedom——”


2. Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it.


e's a difference between us. You think the people of this land exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom. And I go to make sure that they have it.


4.I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk fought for William fights for something that I never had. And I took it from him, when I betrayed him. I saw it in his face on the battlefield and it's tearing me apart .


tell your king, that William Wallace will not be ruled. Nor will any Scot while I'm alive.


6. Freedom is the best, I tell thee true, of all things to be won. Then never live within the bond of slavery, my son.


man dies,not every man really lives.


8. We don’t need to win, just need to fight.


your brain before the sword .


10.I know you can fight. But it’s our wits that make us men.


11. Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland’s daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.


12. He has courage. So does a dog. But it is exactly that ability to compromise that makes a man noble.



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