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英語笑話:A preacher is buying a parrot 傳教士買鸚鵡

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A preacher is buying a parrotAre you sure it doesnt scream, yell, or swear? asked the absolutely. Its a religious parrot, the storekeeper assures you see those strings on his legs? When you pull the right one, he recites the lords prayer, and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd erful! says the preacher, but what happens if you pull both strings?I fall off my perch, you stupid fool! screeched the parrot.一個傳教士在買鸚鵡“你確信它不會尖叫,大叫或詛咒別人嗎?”傳教士問。“哦,絕對不會。它是一隻虔誠的鸚鵡。”店主保證說。“你看見它腿上的這些細繩了嗎?當你拉動右面的這根,它會背誦天主經,當你拉動左面的那根,它會背誦讚美詩”“太棒了!”傳教士說,“但是如果我同時拉動兩條繩子,會發生什麼呢?”“我會從樹幹上掉下去的,你這個笨蛋!”鸚鵡尖聲說道。

padding-bottom: 135.02%;">英語笑話:A preacher is buying a parrot 傳教士買鸚鵡


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