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雙語笑話:醉漢和盲人乞丐A Blind Beggar

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A drunk man walked by, thinking the beggar was pitiful, threw him a hundred dollars.

padding-bottom: 133.89%;">雙語笑話:醉漢和盲人乞丐A Blind Beggar

After walking a few steps, the drunkard turned around to see the blind man holding the money up to the sunlight to check if it was genuine.

The drunk man, feeling cheated, ran back and snatched the money back, “You’re gonna die! How dare you cheat me…”

The blind man, not wanting to feel like a cheater, retorted, “Hey man, I’m sorry,

I’m just here to replace my friend who really is blind. He went to the bathroom, and should be right back… Actually… I’m mute.”

“Oh, oh, in that case...” whereupon the drunk threw the money back and stumbled away.在路邊一個盲人乞丐戴着墨鏡在街上行乞。一個醉漢走過來,覺得他可憐,就扔了一百元給他。




“哦,是這樣子啊!”於是醉漢扔下錢, 又搖搖晃晃地走了……