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討厭自己的工作 爲什麼還在堅持?

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討厭自己的工作 爲什麼還在堅持?

每天和那些非常不喜歡自己的事業或者工作的人交談,我也曾問過我自己,“我們怎麼會這樣?怎麼會有成千上百的人對自己謀生的事那麼生氣、絕望和不滿?” 無趣的工作該怎樣堅持下去呢?一起來看看吧!

1) You don't know yourself

The vast majority of people I see in the work.lace just don't know themselves at all. When asked, "What's your top priority in life and in your career? What would you give up anything for?" or "When you're 90 looking back, what do you want to have done, been and left behind? " I get blank stares and mouths hanging open. People don't know themselves well or deeply anymore. Why? Perhaps because we don't make time in our lives to get to know ourselves -- we're just too over-the-top busy. Or perhaps the process of knowing oneself deeply is intimidating and scary. Whatever the reason, if you don't know who you are, at your core, and what you stand for and care about, how can you lead a life that aligns with your needs, values and interests?

2)You know yourself, but you make yourself wrong

In this situation, you know yourself and what you want, but you simply make yourself wrong. You tell yourself, "Yeah, I want to change, but I'm wrong to feel that way." Or "I'm lucky to have a job, so I shouldn't rock the boat" or "I have so much -- I should just feel blessed and not complain." So many people (women in particular) doubt the validity of their feelings or repress their deepest longings because they think they're wrong to have them. Until you can make yourself "right," you can't find peace or joy.

3) You've lost the courage to act

For many who know what they want, they've lost the courage to take hard action. We've been seduced by some erroneous concept that life should be easy. Where did we get that idea? Making life change isn't easy, but it's so worth it, especially if you hate where you are today. It takes courage, grit and commitment to bring about lasting change, and you can do it, but only if you decide to connect to your own internal power, courage and fortitude.

4) You've prioritized outward things over your own happiness

This reason is yours if you can answer "Yes" to this: "Are you staying in this miserable career solely because you think it's the only one that will keep paying you what you want?" If money is keeping you stuck, it's time to think about prioritizing your happiness over your checkbook. How much money do you truly need? Is your current lifestyle so fulfilling that you'd trade it over your health, happiness and well-being? Of course you have to pay your bills and meet your financial obligations -- I'm not suggesting for a minute that you don't. I am, however, recommending that you re-examine how you live and what you truly need. Meeting your financial obligations doesn't have to mean that you're miserable for the rest of your life.
如果下面這個問題你回答“是”,那麼問題在你身上:“因爲你覺得這份工作是唯一能讓你買得起想要的東西的工作,所以你一直做着這份痛苦的工作?”如果金錢讓你受困受苦,該好好想想把幸福排在你的支票簿上了。你到底需要多少錢?你現在的生活方式是否讓你滿意到可以將其置於你的健康、幸福和康樂之上?當然你得自己買單,承擔自己的債務——我從來沒有一分鐘暗示說你不必。然而,我建議你重新審視你該如何生活以及你真正需要的是什麼。承擔自己的財務責任並不意味着你要活在痛苦之中。5) You've been brainwashed by the myth that you can't love your work

There's a prevalent myth in the U.S. today that work is supposed to be challenging and unsatisfying. We look at people who love their work and we hate them. We say, "Yeah, she's doing what she wants to, but that's because she was (lucky, stupid, born into it, inherited money, gorgeous, etc.) And I can't do that because ___." We give ourselves thousands of reasons why loving what we do professionally just isn't in the cards for us. We do that because it's too painful for us to watch other people thrive and adore their work. We want it to be impossible because it seems so unattainable for us.

6) You are sabotaged by being emotionally overwhelmed

Each day, I see individuals who are highly competent, smart, achievement oriented and outwardly successful, but many of them are in terrible emotional overwhelm -- they're gripped by anxiety, fear or victimization and they lack the ability to speak up authoritatively or with command. The emotionality of their lives keeps them from reasoning through effective solutions and strategies.

7) Your shame and vulnerability keep you from getting help

If we're afraid of appearing or feeling vulnerable, then we blunt all of the other experiences/emotions we desperately long for, including happiness, connection, empathy, love and more. Further, if you need to appear the "expert" and won't admit your flaws, foibles or 'gaps", you'll never get the help you need to make life change. As Einstein has said, "You can't solve a problem on the level it was created.

8) You've forgotten what true happiness feels like

Finally, the most depressing reason of all that contributes to why you hate your career is that you've simply forgotten what it feels like to be happy and joyful in your work. You can't remember the last time you said about your work, "That was a great day well spent!" We all strive so hard to achieve, win, or survive -- and we're so beaten down by it -- that many have lost touch with what true joy feels and looks like.

If any of these reasons resonate for you, there's only one choice to make - stay put in your misery or make a change.