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英魔術師上演"水上漂" 橫渡泰晤士河

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padding-bottom: 50.4%;">英魔術師上演

Most magicians are capable of unbelievable feats, after all it's their stock in trade, but how many have unbelievable feet? Dynamo, whose real name is Steve Frayne, has showed some rather nifty feet as he walked on water for his latest jaw-dropping stunt. The Bradford-born illusionist, 28, made it half way across the stretch of the river in front of the Houses of Parliament in London before he was picked up by a River Police boat.

臺灣魔術師劉謙在春節聯歡晚會上的“見證奇蹟的時刻到了”一席標誌性廣告詞讓國人見識到了“近景魔術”的魅力,同時也敞開了中國觀衆吸收外國魔術的大門,近日,來自英國倫敦的28歲近景魔術大師Dynamo就在泰晤士河上就在英國議會大廈“面前”展現了他的“徒步行走”絕對近景特級魔術,而這位真實名字爲 Steve Frayne的英國天才魔術師就在泰晤河上“閒庭漫步”了幾個回合,直到圍觀的遊客以及倫敦市民太多造成了擁堵情況後,他才被一隻“警察巡邏遊艇”給請上了岸。


Stunned onlookers watched from Westminster Bridge as the magician recorded the stunt for his new TV show Dynamo: Magician Impossible. Frayne has so far built his name on the celebrity circuit, astounding a host of famous names with his tricks.

Dynamo 是英國最具有天賦的魔術師之一,爲了他的電視真人秀打氣,這位魔術師在泰晤河上的特技魔術表演引來了好多人圍觀,圖爲遊客以及市民站在威斯敏斯特大橋上觀看他的表演。據悉,Dynamo的Adidas鞋帶變色魔術當時獲得了近景魔術獎.,而那次的“鞋帶變色魔術”被應用在了阿迪達斯2006年的廣告當中,讓Dynamo的名字家喻戶曉。


The magician's spectacular tricks in the coming series include him transporting a mobile phone into a glass beer bottle, turning snow into diamonds in the Austrian mountains and bringing a flutter of butterflies to life in Hollywood's famous Chateau Marmont.
