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推特作業好還是不好?Is the Twitter Assignment Good or Bad?

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The freshmen of media department in Nanjing University recently received a rather alternative assignment: they are each other to open a twitter account, and are to be graded at the end of the semester according to the number of followers they get. This unique task has around large attention of the public. There are two voices as the usual. The approvals consider this idea is full of creation. It is good for students to improve their learning ability to promote themselves. And the other voice thinks that it is not good for students’ study and develops good character. I think I will agree with the latter opinion.
First of all, twitter assignment is not good for student to learn the traditional knowledge. Although innovation is important, the whole study should come first. If elevated students by their number of followers in twitter, they will not study hard, even have classes skipped, because they know that it has no business about the score. What they need to do is to make their twitter more attractive. This idea totally break the rule that the purpose students in school. Although they learn the way to sell themselves, they don’t complete their study aim. 
Secondly, twitter assignment is not good for students to develop good characteristics. If students receive such special task, they will focus on selling themselves. They will find various ways to reach their goal. Such as, show off, say some extremely words, lies and so on. This means is not fit for students. They may form some negative personalities from it.
To sum up, twitter assignment is a creative way for education, but it is not fit for students. They still need the traditional teaching way to receive education.

推特作業好還是不好?Is the Twitter Assignment Good or Bad?


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