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出國留學是否比在國內讀大學好Whether Studying Abroad is Better Than in the Domestic University

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padding-bottom: 120%;">出國留學是否比在國內讀大學好Whether Studying Abroad is Better Than in the Domestic University
In recent years, with the development of globalization, the competitions among people are more intense, many parents pay more attention on children’s education. Some parents think that children study abroad will better than in domestic university. Proficient in a foreign language and overseas education background will be advantage to students in social competition. But in my opinion not everyone is suitable to study abroad, it depends on individual ability.
First of all, the one who doesn’t study hard, only want to have a piece of paper don’t suit to study abroad., these students can't go into a better school, even thought they can go in, it will be difficult for them to graduate. The problem such as maladjustment and language gap will bring them great stress time flies, the increasing pressure will cut down their confidence, and a vicious cycle would be created. Finally, even if they get a third-rate foreign diploma, the paper would not help them find a job abroad, just as much as at home, studying abroad just waste youth. Second, poor psychological students should not go abroad. Many Chinese children are Palm's baby to their parents, they have never endured hardship, and some of them can't adapt foreign life habits. Third, the students with poor conditions go into a domestic university also a good choice. Because Studying abroad is expensive, tuition fees and other money problems will increase them and their family’s burden.
To sum up, I think a person's resilience is more important than the environment. Go abroad can open a personal view, meet new friends and experience new cultures, but before going abroad, students should clear their merits and demerits.


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