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是誰想出了這麼神奇的主意?它就是社交網站界的元老級公司—— T witter。


為了成為一個更友好的網站,T witter可能要幹掉它那個心形的點贊按鈕。

Soon, you may not be able to like tweets by clicking a heart icon. The Telegraph reports that T witter has weighed the possibility of abandoning this feature. And since T witter doesn’t actually have all that many features, it caught our attention .

很快,你可能就再也不能用那個小心心來給別人的推文點讚了。根據《電訊報》的報道,T witter已經開始考慮拋棄這個功能的可能。而由於推特本來就沒有多少功能,這個問題還是很值得注意的。

這個報道説得很含糊,它聲稱是CEO傑克·多西親自示意要把點贊功能從T witter上拿掉的;他在今年的連線25峯會上就承認自己並不喜歡這個心形的按鈕。

“We have a big like button with a heart on it and we’re incentivizing people to want it to go up,” Dorsey said. 


“Is that the right thing? Versus contributing to the public conversation or a healthy conversation? How do we incentivize healthy conversation?” 


He also reportedly said that the social media site would be getting rid of it “soon.”


在《電訊報》報道之後,出人意料的事情發生了,T witter居然迴應了這個報道,而且他們沒有否認這件事。

It wrote–in a tweet, natch–“As we’ve been saying for a while, we are rethinking everything about the service to ensure we are incentivizing healthy conversation, that includes the like button. 


We are in the early stages of the work and have no plans to share right now.”


現在看來,雖然《電訊報》暗示的意思是點贊功能會消失,但根據T witter的迴應來看,或許只是心形的按鈕會消失,可能會換成多西更喜歡的什麼東西。

考慮到T witter已經用小心心取代了人們以前用來收藏推文的五角星,他們下一步可能會用馬蹄鐵、四葉草、藍月亮或者其他任何幸運符號來代替這個小心心,以此來“激勵引導網絡輿論往更健康的方向發展”。

而無需指出的是,T witter最近在引導網絡和諧發展方面做出的努力並沒有讓用户很買賬:

T witter User: @JoshButler

T witter用户@JoshButler説:

Users: hey can you get rid of the Nazis please


T witter: ok sure, we've changed the stars to hearts for likes

T witter:好的,當然,我們已經用心形替換掉五角星來表示點讚了。

Users: no no, zero Nazis please


T witter: yep we're getting rid of Vine

T witter:好的,我們現在把藤條也去掉了。

Users: nah hey, what about the Nazis


T witter: ok ok fine, no more likes 

T witter:好的,好的,去掉點贊功能。

最近幾年,T witter終於意識到他們的平台並不總是一個呈現出健康輿論的地方。


多西問他們應該怎樣衡量網絡輿論的“健康”程度,他想知道T witter應該啟用怎樣的矩陣去算這個。

David Gasca, T witter’s product manager for health, tweeted that the company has received more than 230 proposals–spanning issues like misinformation and healthy discourse.

T witter的健康問題產品經理大衞·加斯卡發推文説公司收到了超過230份提案,它們涵蓋了包括謠言和輿論健康在內的諸多議題。

We don’t yet know how much new insight T witter will glean from these proposals, beyond what we already know to be true about its conversational health. 

我們還不知道T witter能從這些提議中發現多少新的真知灼見,除了那些已經顯而易見的輿論健康方面的問題。

But it seems only fitting that T witter should open itself up to crowdsourced feedback–both positive and negative.

現在T witter唯一適合採取的做法似乎是,廣泛地接受外界的反饋,不管是好的還是壞的。

OK,來講講今天的詞 feature

它作名詞的時候表示“特色”,作動詞的時候表示“以……為特色”,用法是feature sth.


Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.
