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第11課:Hotel upgrade 語言剖析

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l upgrade


Today,we will check in the hotel,but there seems to have been a mix-up...

B:Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
A:I'd like to check in, please. I have a reservation under the name Anthony Roberts.
(我要登記入住。用Anthony Roberts的名字預定的。)
B:All right, Roberts... Oh, Mr. Roberts! We've been expecting here is your keycard to the presidential suite.
A:But there must be some mistake; my reservation was for a standard room.
B:Are you sure? Let me double-check.
A:Yeah. Here, this is my confirmation number.
B:You're right, Mr. Roberts. There seems to have been a mix-up. Unfortunately, we're overbooked at the moment.
B:Not to worry. We're pleased to offer you a complimentary upgrade.
A:Woohoo! Presidential suite, baby!


1. I'd like to check in, please.
check in 登記入住 check in 一般指的是機場辦理登記手續,在酒店的話也可以表示登記入住。

2. 入住酒店補充表達用語
Do you have any vacancies? 請問還有空房間嗎?
I'd like to book a double room. 我想訂一間雙人房。
What attractions are nearby? 附近有什麼旅遊景點?
I'd like a room with a view. 我想要一個風景較好的房間。
What is the price per night? ls free breakfast included? 住一晚要多少塊錢?房價裏包早餐嗎?
Excuse me, what's the wifi password? 請問Wifi 密碼是多少?
We have single rooms, double rooms and suites and deluxe suites andPresidential suites.

3. I have a reservation under the name Anthony Roberts.
reservation 預定 under the name 用...的名字
除了我們都知道的“在……之下”的意思,介詞“under”在特定情況下也可以表示為以誰的名義,意思和in the name of 一樣
My reservation is under the last name "Smith."我用“Smith”這個姓預定的。
I booked the tickets under your name.我用你的名字訂了票。
Did you make the reservation under my name or his?你用我的還是他的名字預定的?

4. We've been expecting you...
We've been expecting you...是一種常用的接待用語,表示恭候多時,我對你是朝思暮想,盼星星,盼月亮,終於等到你啦!不過一般普通的標間,前台也不會這麼誇張,之所以這麼説是因為以為他定了總統套房呀!當然了,你到機場接工作上非常重要的貴賓,也可以用I've been expecting you.

5. This is my confirmation number.
Confirmation 確認
Confirmation number意思是訂單號,比如我們在美團,餓了麼等平台上預定了服務之後都有訂單號,叫做Confirmation number。
不知道大家有沒有這樣的經歷,沉迷學習無法自拔,甚至都忘了期末考試的時間,舍友問你是不是今天期末考試啦,你竟然也不知道,班級羣沒説呀!I don't know if we have the final test today. I'm still waiting for confirmation.

6. There seems to have been a mix-up.
mix-up 錯誤
在餐廳點餐,明明點的是魚香肉絲,服務員卻把別人的宮保雞丁送了上台,這是你可以對服務員説,I think there's been a mix-up. I didn't order this.我想一定是搞錯了,我沒有點這個菜哦。
菜斷錯了還好,醫院接生房裏孩子報錯可就有意思啦,I'm sorry, sir; there has been a terrible mix-up. We've given you the wrong baby.對不起,先生。我們搞錯了,之前給你的孩子不是您的。

7. Unfortunately, we're overbooked at the moment.
overbook 售罄,賣完
雙十一Iphone X大降價,只要1000元,只賣1000台,從來不熬夜的你,為了手機也是拼了,你好不容易熬夜到12點,結果還是沒買到,只怪手速太慢啦!They were overbooked during 5 seconds.太火爆了,5秒鐘之內就被預定一空。
假期出去旅遊一定要提前預定酒店,因為啊,假日期間一般酒店都被預定一空。Hotels are usually overbooked during holidays.

8. Not to worry. We're pleased to offer you a complimentary upgrade.
complimentary upgrade 免費升級
entary 的表達也很高級,表示 free 免費的
比如酒店裏面會有一些免費的礦泉水供應,通常旁邊會放一個牌子:with compliments免費使用。前兩天移動還打電話過來問小E老師要不要免費升級寬帶網速,從20M提升到100兆,客服小姐姐問道:Can I offer you a complimentary upgrade?你想免費升級嗎?入住四星級以上的酒店一般都包含免費的早餐,The price includes a complimentary breakfast.


padding-bottom: 100%;">第11課:Hotel upgrade 語言剖析