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爆笑英語口語 第325期:如果一開始你不成功 那你永遠不會成功了

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padding-bottom: 52.03%;">爆笑英語口語 第325期:如果一開始你不成功 那你永遠不會成功了

下面這句是鼎鼎大名的莫非定律 Murphy's Law):
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

If at first you don't succeed, you will never succeed.
改寫自英諺: If at first you don't succeed, try try, again.(如果一開始不成功,要再接再厲。)

A bird in the hand is dead.
改寫自英諺: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes.(手裏的一隻鳥好過樹叢裏的兩隻鳥。),本來是勸人要珍惜所有,不要好高騖遠。

A penny saved is a penny. 省一分錢就只是一分錢 。
改寫自英諺 : A penny saved is a penny earned.
earned 字去掉,原本鼓勵人節儉的意思就成了完全相反的意思。

All's well that ends. 所有的好事都會結束。
俗話説 All's well that ends well.(能圓滿結束就是好事。)