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Our daily life is full of unproductive habits and rituals that we execute – whether on a conscious or unconscious level. This makes us less efficient and productive than we could potentially be. Here are some unproductive habits that you should let go: 在日常生活中,不管我們有沒有察覺到,都存在一些影響工作效率的壞習慣。本來我們可以按時完成工作的,可是這些習慣卻使我們的效率和產量低下。以下是一些你應該改掉的影響效率的壞習慣:

1. Consuming the information you don't need 1. 看沒用的訊息

Unsubscribe from as many mailing lists as you can. This way you can cut down the amount of incoming e-mails and prevent distraction. 訂閱郵件能少則少。這樣能減少收到的電子郵件數量,不讓工作分心。

Also, stop watching news. If there is an event that is newsworthy, it will catch you anyway (mostly by other people). 新聞也不要看。如果這個事件真有新聞價值,不管怎樣你都能看到(多半從其他人那裡聽到)。

2. Letting others to run your life 2. 為別人而活

Steve Jobs said it right: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." 史蒂芬·喬布斯說的很對:“時間有限,不要浪費時間,為別人而活。” You are the master of your life and it is a shame if you live your life by pleasing others. 你活著是為了自己,可惜的是,現在你活著卻為了取悅別人。

Naturally, it is wise to listen for advice from other people every now and then. However, ignore those people who say you can't reach your dreams. 自然,經常聽取別人意見是一種聰明的做法。但別理睬那些澆你冷水的人。

3. Reinventing the wheel 3. 做重複性工作

Before you start work.ng on your task or project, spend some time on research to find out if there are already solutions that help you to complete your task faster. 開始一項工作前,就找找看是不是已經有現存的方法能提高速度。

4. Being perfect 4. 力求完美

Although striving for perfection may be a noble principle for some, it is a huge time and energy waster. Instead of spending too much time on tweaking something, create a checklist to go through on your finalization phase. When you realize that all the items on your list are checked, you can finish your work and move on. 有些人可能喜歡力求完美,但這個習慣會浪費大量時間和精力。不要把大量時間花在工作的某一部分,做張清單,工作結尾階段用它來核對。等到單子上所有專案都核對完了,那麼你的工作也就完成了,可以開始做下一項工作了。

Not only are you relieved of your accomplishment, you will also give room for your brain to focus on other things instead. 這樣做你不僅能喘口氣,而且頭腦也有充分空間來想其他事情。

5. Letting television to overrun your passion 5. 把工作熱情用來看電視

When television is preventing you to take action on your passion, maybe it is time to rethink your priorities. 如果你把工作熱情用來看電視,那麼你該重新考慮生活的主次問題了。

Save your TV show to your digital set-top box for later viewing instead. If you do this operation a couple of times you will form a new success habit – working on your passion first and watching television second. 你可以把電視節目存在機頂盒裡,晚點再看。這種做法重複幾次,就會養成一個好習慣——先把熱情放在工作中,再看電視。6. Multitasking 6. 一心多用

You are spreading your focus and effort on too many places at once. Although you might be able to proceed on many fronts at once, it is still a very slow and error-prone way of working. 多個工作同時執行會分散注意力和精力。雖然你也許有能力同時兼顧,但是工作速度會慢,也容易出錯。

Instead, when you focus solely on one task, you get all the work done much faster. You can put your mind fully to that task, complete it fully and move to the next task. 相反,如果你把所有注意力都集中在一項工作上,完成所有工作花的時間要少得多。你可以把自己的思想完全集中在這項工作上,完成後進入下一項工作。

7. Neglecting your body 7. 忽視身體健康

You should take utmost care of your body. Feed it nutritious food, keep it fit by exercising on a regular basis and give it enough sleep. 你應該儘量注意自己的身體狀況。多吃點營養食品,定時鍛鍊保持健康,睡眠充足。

When doing these the quality of your life rises considerably and in some cases you are able to prevent some diseases to break out. Also, your energy levels are higher and you are more productive. 做了以上這些,你的生活質量會大大提高,有時還能防止某些疾病的發生,精力也充沛,工作起來效率更高。

8. Promising too much 8. 做出太多承諾

Control your "yeses". If you feel you have too much on your plate, be selfish and just say no! You have a right to decline from requests presented to you. Don't feel bad about saying no. 別說太多“好”。要是覺得自己工作太多,就自私地說“不”!你有權拒絕給你的工作要求。不要因為拒絕而內疚。

If another person has a right to ask something from you, you have an equal right to say no. 別人有權要求你做事,你也同樣有權對他說“不”。

9. Reacting to every distraction that comes along 9. 迴應讓你分心的事

The number of distractions has grown radically over the last few years. The main problem is that you are expected to be reachable all the time. When you are distracted, it causes unnecessary stress and makes you procrastinate on your work. 最近幾年,讓人分心的事越來越多。主要是因為別人覺得你一直閒著。這些事會造成很多不必要的壓力,也耽擱自己的工作。

Instead of being reachable, shut down the communication devices when you want to concentrate on your work. If this means shutting down your phone or even taking the network cable out of your computer, then do it. This way you can cut down your temptations to be distracted too easily. 想要把精力都集中在工作上,就把通訊工具全部關閉。把手機關了、網線拔了。這樣一來,別人找你的途徑就少了,你就不會輕易被其他事騷擾了。

10. Thinking that the more the better 10. 認為越多越好

More is not necessarily better. In fact, in many cases the quality beats the quantity. 多不一定就好。事實上,很多情況下,質量比數量重要。

Strive for mastering or focusing just the few. For example, this could be focusing on just a subset of your clients that bring most of your results or mastering one skill well rather than trying to be good on 12 different things. 只掌握一點或專注一點。比如,只專注於能帶來最大利益的小部分客戶;或者掌握一門技術,這樣好過同時擅長12件事情。

Focusing on the things that bring the biggest rewards is a good strategy to be used in your life. 專注於幾個能帶來最大回報的專案,這是個生活良策。