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also的用法also too either as well的區別

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also意思是也; 同樣; 並且,also的用法有哪些呢?本文是本站小編整理also的用法的資料,僅供參考。

also的用法also too either as well的區別



They also agree with me.


I also began to be interested in crickets.




I was also there.


He is also an American.




His sister has also gone to town.


The leisure center has also proved uneconomic.




Also, some students were tempted to add written comment of their own throughout the paper.


I thought it was the perfect answer. Also, Tony and I had never done a historical subject.







I must buy some bread also.


They know him and I know him also.


The son had gone also.



1. 屬正式用詞,主要用於肯定句或疑問句,一般不用於否定句 (否定句可用 either),它在句中通常放在實義動詞之前,特殊動詞 (動詞be、情態動詞、助動詞)之後,有時也放在整

個謂語前面或放在句首或句尾 (較少見,且多半是因爲強調之故)。如:I’ve also read the book. 我也讀過這本書。This room was also dirty. This room alsowas dirty. This room was dirty also.

Also this room wasdirty. 這個房間也很髒。

2. 有時由於 also 位置不同,可能會導致句子含義不同。如:We alsoregard him as a great writer today. 我們也 (同別人一樣)把他看成當今偉大的作家。We regard also him as a great writertoday. 我們把他 (We regard also him as a great writertoday. 也看成當今偉大的作家。

We regardhim as a great writer also today. 我們仍 (同其它時候一樣)把他看成當今偉大的作家。

3. 在簡略答語中,習慣上不用, 如一般不說 I also, 但可說Metoo, You too等之類的。如:A:I’m tired. 我累了。B:Me too. 我也是。

B:I also. (誤)

  簡析also, too, as well和either用法

also, too, as well, either,作“也”講,爲副詞。下面分別講述:

一. too, also, as well:都用於肯定句,表示前者怎樣後者也怎樣。



as well:其位置一般放在句尾,三者可以作同義句轉換。例如:

You need to go shopping and I need to go shopping, too.

=You need to go shopping and I also need to go shopping.

=You need to go shopping and I need to go shopping as well.

  also, too, either, as well的區別

1. too 和 as well 多用於口語中,語氣較輕,通常用於肯定句或疑問句,一般不用於否定句,且通常放在句末。如:

I like you too [as well]. 我也喜歡你。

Are they coming too [as well]? 他們也來嗎?

too 有時也緊跟在主語後(注:as well 不這樣用),此用法較正式。如:

I, too, know where he lives. 我也知道他住在什麼地方。

在 Me too, You too 這類簡略答語中,通常不用 as well, also。如:

A:I’m tired. 我累了。

B:Me too. 我也是。

2. also 比 too 和 as well 正式,一般也不用於否定句,它在句中的位置通常是緊靠動詞,即放在行爲動詞之前,特殊動詞之後。有時爲了強調也放在句末(但不常見)。如:

He also came. / He came also. 他也來了。

She is young and beautiful,and also rich. 她年輕漂亮,而且有錢。

also 有時用於句首(其後通常有逗號),相當於連詞 and。如: Also,his mother was dead. 再說,他母親又過世了。

3. either(也)通常只用於否定句,且要放在句末。如:

I don’t know, either. 我也不知道。

He hasn’t finished it,either. 他也還沒有做完。

注:有時在肯定句之後跟一個否定句,可能用 too,also。如: He came, but she didn’t also came. 他來了,但她沒有也一起來。 He went to Washington, but not to New York too. 他去了華盛頓,但並不是也去了紐約。


He didn’t buy a computer, and she didn’t either. 他沒有買電腦,她也沒有買。

He bought a computer, but she didn’t too. 他買了臺電腦,但她沒有也買臺電腦。


I'm in Row 1,too.我也在第一排。

She,too,is a singer.她也是一位歌唱家。


Mrs Green can also sing the song in Chinese.格林夫人也能用漢語唱這首歌。

They also have fish shops in that small town.那個小鎮上也有魚店。

er 表示“也”時一般只用於否定句,且只置於句末。例如: I don't know doesn't know him,either.我不認識他,湯姆也不認識他。

If you don't go there,he won't go there,either.如果你不去那兒,他也不去那兒。

well 常用於口語,用法和 too一樣,通常位於句末,它前面通常不用逗號。例如:

She is a teacher and a singer as well.她是教師,也是歌唱家。 I know Japanese as well.我也懂日語。


1.用too,also,either或as well填空:

1)I'll go to see the film,

2)If you don't come here,I shouldn't,

3)I,,will help him.

4)Jack can speak Chinese,and his brother can eak Chinese.

5)He knows .





4.史上最全的not also的用法

also 的主要用法

6.英語短語not only … but also的用法


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