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at the cost of是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

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at the cost of 英 [æt ðə kɔst ɔv] 美 [æt ði kɔst ʌv] 

padding-bottom: 128.26%;">at the cost of是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

at the cost of 基本解釋


at the cost of 相關例句


1. at the cost of在線翻譯

1. He saved the girl from drowning at the cost of his own life.

at the cost of 網絡解釋

1. 以...爲代價:at one time曾經,從前曾 | at the cost of以......爲代價 | at the least 至少;

2. 犧牲,以...爲代價:At present, he is on holiday.目前,他正在度假. | at the cost of犧牲,以...爲代價 | at the moment此刻,目前

3. 喪失,犧牲:不惜任何代價,無論如何 at all costs | 喪失,犧牲 at the cost of | 勢如破竹的勝利 an overwhelming victory

4. at the cost of

4. 以......代價:at all costs 不惜任何代價、無論如何 | at the cost of 以...代價 | count on 依靠、指望、