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at the mercy of是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

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at the mercy of 英 [æt ðə ˈmə:si ɔv] 美 [æt ði ˈmɚsi ʌv] 

padding-bottom: 177.78%;">at the mercy of是什麼意思、發音和在線翻譯

at the mercy of 基本解釋


at the mercy of 相關例句


1. She was at the mercy of her cruel husband.

2. at the mercy of的反義詞

2. A sailor is at the mercy of the weather.

at the mercy of 網絡解釋

1. 在......支配下:not to mention 更不必說 . | at the mercy of 在...支配下 . | have mercy on 對...表示憐憫 .

2. 任憑...擺佈:at the cost of 以...爲代價 | at the mercy of 任憑...擺佈 | at the moment 此刻,目前

3. 在...支配下;任由...擺佈:毫不容情地;殘忍地 without mercy | 在...支配下;任由...擺佈 at the mercy of | 聖誕快樂! Merry Christmas!

4. at the mercy of

4. 完全受...支配,聽命於:at sea 茫然,不知所措 | at the mercy of 完全受...支配,聽命於 | at the moment 此刻