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  在答閱讀部分試題時,詞彙量的多少到底重不重要?這個問題始終爭議很大。筆者認爲 :肯定重要!但是,是不是一遇到生詞就要發慌,就讀不下去也做不了題,筆者倒不以爲然。面對考官所設的種種詞彙障礙,怎樣才能調用你所積累的相關英語知識和判斷能力從而輕鬆應對呢?願下文對你有所參考。



23. The word "gimmicks" in this passage is closest in meaning to ________.
(A) services (B) extras (C) tricks (D) games


So how can you make the most of your new power as a consumer? Here are rules to help you find your way.
1 Never pay list price.
2 Refuse gimmicks.
As competition heats up and pushes prices down, businesses scramble to boost their profits by heaping on extras: rustproofing your car, service contracts on your appliances, prepaid gasoline for your rental car. These gimmicks are devised to make you pay more at the last minute and probably aren't a good deal.
3 Don't buy on impulse.
4 Say no to platinum prices.
5 Switch-or threaten to.


  看來不必非要知其意才能答對題,開動你的腦筋,通過判斷詞的褒貶義也可攻破難關。順便說一下,如果題目問第4點中platinum prices爲何意,應該也很好突破,“say no to"後面肯定不是什麼好東西,這種價格站在消費者的角度來說肯定是天價。所以即使你不知道platinum(鉑金,一種貴重金屬, 由其製成的首飾上往往有Pt標誌也即platinum的縮寫)爲何意恐怕也能猜出三分吧。


21. The word "hindrance" in line 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) encouragement (B) assistance (C) procedure (D) interference


Experiments have shown that in selecting personnel for a job, interviewing is at best a hindrance, and may even cause harm.

儘管"hindrance"這個詞對大多數考生而言並不是什麼生詞,但從答題技巧來說我們同樣可以通過正面/負面的方法解題。原句中even cause harm說明進行面試會造成不利影響,所以hindrance一詞肯定是負面的。回到選項中A,B都是positive, 而C. procedure(程序,手續)則是中性的,所以只有rference (干擾、干涉)爲負面意義,故答案爲D.


8. The word "jeopardize" (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to __________.
(A) endeavor (B) endanger (C) endorse (D)endow


What could be disastrous, however, is that we should press too quickly towards this goal, sacrificing sleep only to gain more time in which to jeopardize our civilization by actions and decisions made weak by fatigue.

  出題者想通過形似的單詞(四個選項都是end開頭)給考生製造模糊印象,其實我們大可不必驚慌。從上下文來看,"jeopardize"肯定是動詞,因此四個選項中應該選相應的動詞替換。恰巧選項都是動詞,因而增加了答題難度。讓我們再分析一下上下文。請注意原文中這幾個詞:disastrous, too quickly, sacrificing sleep only to gain和weak, fatigue, 我們是否可以看出作者的態度是反對sacrifice sleep的呢?既然如此,通過犧牲睡眠而獲得時間似乎也不是什麼好事,因爲在身體疲倦的狀況下做出的決策和行動往往會欠妥,從而對文明的發展不利,所以jeopardize our civilization肯定是對文明造成負面影響的。avor大家應該不陌生,表努力,盡力之意。rse表示write one's name on the back of a check, 即背書,由此引申出認可,贊同之意。當然,如果說Your driving licence has been endorsed.那你的駕照可就有違規記錄,你得當心嘍!而D表示捐贈金錢、財產等,發善心做善事。看來只有B. endanger (使處於危險中)纔有負面之意,也才合題意。


16. The word "anthropologist" (line 1) means someone who _______.
(A) studies the nature of man (B) arranges wedding ceremonies (C) keeps account for newly weds
(D) records local events


An anthropologist recorded the expenses for ceremonies he attended in a village in Thailand. The following chart provides information on the bahts (Thai currency) spent for a wedding.

  這個單詞乍一看挺嚇人,又臭又長。其實定睛一看並不是不可破解的。也許知道anthrop(o)這個前綴是跟“man"(人,人類)有關的同學不是太多,從而對由此衍生出的單詞不認識也就不足爲怪了,如:anthropoid a.(猿)似人的,類人猿的;anthropology n. 人類學;anthropophagous a. 吃人的,食人肉的(《參考消息》最近還報道了科學家發現歷史上人吃人的確鑿證據,令人毛骨悚然!);philanthropist n.慈善家(phil愛,anthrop 人,愛天下之人,具有博愛情懷的人難道不是慈善家麼?)但是,我們初中就學過,scientist, biologist, 我們是否可以聯想一下原文中"anthropologist"這個詞類似於biologist,是與研究某學科有關的人。答案A. studies the nature of man似乎最合意。

23. The word "xenophobia" (para.2) means "__________".
(A) partiality (B) arbitrariness (C) discrimination (D) antipathy


The Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF), a London based group, tells me tha