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(一) 詞形轉換:

1. death(動詞) die 2.. east(形容詞) eastern 3. west(形容詞) western

4. south(形容詞)southern 5. north(形容詞) northern 6. kneel(過去式) knelt/kneeled 7. crowd(形容詞) crowded 8. huge(同義詞) large 9. push(反義詞)pull

10. step(過去式)stepped 樣 11. sight(動詞) see 12. beat(過去式) beat

13. slap(過去式) slapped 14. satisfy(形容詞) satisfied y(複數)diaries

16. destroy(過去式) destroyed 17. inside(對應詞) outside 18. historical(名詞) history


1. receive a postcard 收到一張明信片

2. have a vacation 度假

3. cost too much 花費太貴

4. plan a trip 計劃旅行

5. come along with sb. 與某人在一起

6. go to the cinema 去電影院

7. look forward to (doing) sth. 期待做某事

8. go camping 去野營

9. in the old days 在古代

10. in one’s life 在某人的一生

11. survey the area 調查/勘探某地區

12. face south 坐北朝南

13. have mountains at the back 背靠羣山

14. plan some exciting adventures 計劃令人激動的冒險活動

15. go on a cycling trip 進行騎車遊

16. spread over 散開

17. on both sides of the way 在路的兩旁

18. be in pairs 成雙成對

19. kneel down 跪下

20. two and a half hours 兩個半小時

21. be crowded with 擠滿了„

22. be surprised at 對„感到驚訝

23. take out sth. 拿出某物

24. elbow one’s way 用肘推開路

25. take a close-up picture of„ 拍„„的特寫

26. push out 擠出;推出

27. step on one’s toes 踩了某人的腳趾

28. out of sight 看不見

29. flash through one’s mind 從腦中閃現

30. pour down 流下;傾瀉而下

31. slap sb. on the back 拍某人的背

32. as soon as 一„„就„„

33. give sb. a big hug 給某人一個擁抱

34. pack one’s backpacks 打包

35. do the last safety check 做最後的安檢

36. take each other’s pictures 互相拍照

37. have fun doing sth. 做某事有樂趣

38. treat sb. to sth. 用„„招待,請客

39. tell sb. about sth. 告訴某人關於某事



1. I’m looking forward to meeting him. 我正盼望看到他.

look forward to 表 “期待, 盼望”, to是介詞,後面應用名詞、代詞或動名詞,且常用於進行時態。如:

I’m really look forward to summer vacation. 我真的期待着暑假的到來。

They are looking forward to solving the problem. 他們正期待着問題的解決。

2. „and 12 stone officials on both sides of the way.

on both sides of the way = on each side of the way 在路的兩旁

3. Dinglig is to the southwest of Kangling. 定陵在康陵的西南方向.

方位介詞: in; on; to

in表在範圍內; on表兩處相接; to 表在範圍內

Fujian is in the southeast of China. 福建在中國的東南部.

Jiangxi is on the west of Fujian. 江西在福建的西面.

Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中國的東邊.

4. We were having fun exploring when I noticed Darren wasn’t beside me. 當我們正在有趣的探險時,我注意到達諾不在我身邊.

have fun doing sth. 表做某事有樂趣. 如:

You’ll find you have fun learning English. 你將會發現學習英語有很大樂趣.



(一) 時間狀語從句:

1. 引導詞:

a) when; while; as 當„„時候

when 既可跟短暫性動詞也可跟延續性動詞

while 跟延續性動詞

as 多用於口語,強調 “同一時間”或 “一前一後”

e,g: The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in. = While the students were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.

Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us. 媽媽總是邊給我們做飯邊唱歌。

b) until; not…until

until “直到„„爲止”,主句的謂語動詞用延續性動詞。

not„until “直到„„才” 主句的謂語動詞常用短暫性動詞。

e.g: I will stay here until the rain stops.

= I won’t leave here until the rain stops.

c) after 在„„之後; before在„„之前; as soon as 一„„就„„ e.g: I went to sleep after I finished my homework..

= I finished my homework before I went to sleep.

As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom.

2. 時態:

a) 當主句爲一般過去時時, 從句常爲過去的某種時態;

e.g: While the students were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in.

I went to sleep after I finished my homework..

b) 當主句爲一般將來時時, 從句爲一般現在時

e.g: As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom.

I will stay here until the rain stops.

(二) 不定式作目的狀語,修飾謂語動詞,錶行爲的目的。

They organize a show to raise money. 爲了籌錢,他們組織了一場展示會。

Kelly arrived at the airport early to see Maria off. 凱麗早早地來到機場爲瑪麗亞送行。